21L.430 | Spring 2013 | Undergraduate

Popular Culture and Narrative: Serial Storytelling

Series of illustrations of a woman and man dancing the waltz


Detail of a disc depicting a couple waltzing, created by Eadweard Muybridge for the phenakistoscope, an early motion picture machine that produced the illusion of movement through the rapid progression of a series of images. Image via wikimedia commons.

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Series of illustrations of a woman and man dancing the waltz
Alt text:
Series of illustrations of a woman and man dancing the waltz.
Detail of a disc depicting a couple waltzing, created by Eadweard Muybridge for the phenakistoscope, an early motion picture machine that produced the illusion of movement through the rapid progression of a series of images. (Image via wikimedia commons.)
Image via wikimedia commons.
Series of illustrations of a woman and man dancing the waltz.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2013
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments