View of New Bedford. Engraving drawn by J. W. Hill, engraved by Wellstood & Peters, published by Smith Brothers & Co., 1852.
Life in the Forecastle. Photo of illustration, A. A. Schmidt, J. Halpin. From J. Ross Browne, Etchings of a Whaling Cruise (New York: Harper Brothers, 1846).
A Scramble for Salt Junk. Colored engraving (n.d).
(French) Whaleman at the Masthead. Engraving based on A. A. Schmidt, J. Halpin. From J. Ross Browne, Etchings of a Whaling Cruise (New York: Harper Brothers, 1846).
Whale Fishery in Greenland. Engraved for George Henry Millar, The New Complete, Authentic, and Universal System of Geography (London: Hogg, 1782), published by Hogg.
Icelanders Fishing for Narwhal. Engraving from The Naturalists Library (n.d.).
Eskimaux Hunting Seals in Greenland. Colored engraving, G. Gallina (n.d.).
Whale Being Harpooned.Colored engraving (n.d.).
French Harpooners. Pêche de la Baleine, Harponnement (n.d.).
Harpooner Striking a Whale. American. Colored woodcut (n.d.).
Engraving After Garneray. Ambroise Louis Garneray, Pêche de la Baleine, engraved by Edouard Travies (n.d.).
Engraving After Garneray. Identified as Usual Whaling Scene: Colored--modern.
Whale Fishery (After Garneray).Woodcut, n.d.
Wounded Sperm Whale. Drawn by William Bradford (n.d.).
New Bedford Banknote (Garneray). One Dollar Bill. Mechanics Bank of New Bedford (June 1, 1858).
New Jersey Banknote (Garneray). Five Dollar Bill. Commercial Bank of New Jersey (1856).
Stonington Banknote (Garneray). Two Dollar Bill. StoningtonBank, Connecticut.
Hawaiian Banknote. Five Dollar Bill, from Boston Bank Note Co (n.d.).
New London Bank Note. One Dollar Bill. The Whaling Bank, New London, 1864.
The Spectre Whaleman. Woodcut from an Almanac, 1841.
Soapine Advertisment. Soapine Advertisment, Kendall Manufacturing Company, Providence, Rhode Island (n.d.).
John Tabors Ride. Woodcut from an Almanac, 1841.
Packing Whalebone.
A Summer in New England.
The Model Skipper.
The Land Sharks.
The Cook and the Pilot.
The Steward.
Charley Kotzenberger, The Harpooner.
Archie, Fred, and Eugene.
Cutting In and Trying Out.
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