21L.715 | Fall 2007 | Undergraduate

Media in Cultural Context: Popular Readerships

Comic Display Shelves


Display shelves at the comic book store Atomics Comics in San Antonio, Texas. Fandom is one of the course’s topics, and students were required to visit a comic book store out of class and come to class prepared to discuss their experience. (Image courtesy of Clayt Hackett.)

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Comic Display Shelves
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Black display shelves with a variety of comic books, each shelf adorned with a comic book symbol on top.
Display shelves at the comic book store Atomics Comics in San Antonio, Texas. Fandom is one of the course’s topics, and students were required to visit a comic book store out of class and come to class prepared to discuss their experience. (Image courtesy of Clay Hackett.)
Black display shelves with a variety of comic books, each shelf adorned with a comic book symbol on top.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2007
Learning Resource Types
Presentation Assignments
Written Assignments