Bamberger. Developing Musical Intuitions. (DMI)
Bamberger. The Mind Behind the Musical Ear. (MBME)
Introduction to DMI and Introduction to Part I.Listening:
Pp. 35-51To do:
Projects 1.1 & 1.2 (Pp. 7-34)Paper 1 – Projects 1.1 & 1.2
Paper Due: Class #2 of Week 2
Weeks 1-2
Melodic Structure
Week 1:
Class #1:
Introduction to ImpromptuClass #2:
Introduction to composing your own tunes
Shared musical structures
Week 2:
Reading: Basics1
Class #1:
Listening examples
Discussion of Basics1Class #2:
Discussion and performance of student tunes
Due Today: Paper 1
Weeks 3-5
Rhythmic Structure Simples: Beat, Metric Hierarchies
Introduction to Part II of DMI.
MBME: Pp. 24-44 – In Class #2 of Week 5To do: Projects 2.1 & 2.2 (Pp. 67-98)
In Class #2 of Week 4Listening: Pp. 64-66
Week 3:
Class #1:
HolidayClass #2:
Continued discussion and performance of student tunes
Introduction to rhythmic structure
Introduction to Drummer
Week 4:
Basics 2: In Class#1 of Week 5
Hasty. Meter as Rhythm. (Pp. 1-13) (Handout)
Discussion in Class #2 of Week 5Class #1:
The metric hierarchy; figural and metric structures.Listening:
Bhimpalasi & Hindemith: Beat and non-beat
Lanner & Sousa–triple and duple meterClass #2:
Performance and discussion of percussion pieces
Due Today: Project 2.1 and 2.2
Week 5:
Class #1:
Performance and discussion of percussion pieces (cont.)
Rhythm notations: similarities and differencesClass #2:
Discussion of Hasty
Inventing rhythm notations (MBME – pp. 24-44)
Multiple meanings of “fast” and “slow”
Weeks 6-7
Rhythm 2 Complexity
To do:
Project 2.3 (Pp. 99-100; 118-122)Paper Due: Class #2 of Week 7
Listening (Pp. 109-118; 123-129)
Week 6:
Class #1:
HolidayClass #2:
Making and playing percussion accompaniments
Introduction to rhythmic conflict
Listening: 109-118
Week 7:
Class #1:
Rhythmic complexity;
Listening: pp. 123-129Class #2:
Discussion and performance of student pieces.
Due Today: Paper 2
Weeks 8-10
Pitch Relations
Introduction to Part III of DMI (Pp 136-143)To do:
Project 3.1
Discussion in Class #2 of Week #8
Week 8:
Class #1:
Introduction to Intervals and structure of scales.Class #2:
Tonic function and 1->5->1.
Project 3.1 in Class Today
Week 9:
Some Basics 3: pp. 200-211Reading and doing:
Project 3.2
Due in Class #2 of Week #10Class #1:
Analysis of Examples 3.1-3.5 and the pervasiveness of 1->5->1: pp. 187-199.Class #2:
Discussion of final projects
Week 10:
Class #1:
HolidayClass #2:
Review of Basics 3 and Projects 3.1 and 3.2.
Quiz: Scales, keys, key signatures, circle of fifths, etc.
Weeks 11-13
Making Music Out of Theory
Introduction to Part 4: p. 213Reading and doing:
Project 4.1 pp. 214-219To do:
Project 4.2Paper 3: Due Class #1 of Week #12
Week 11:
Class #1:
Listening and analysis of large-scale compositions
Beethoven Quartet Op. 59 #2
Discussion of final projectsClass #2:
Discussion of Project 4.1 pieces
Discussion of final projects
Week 12:
Class #1:
Discussion and performance of Project 4.2 pieces
Due Today: Paper 3Class #2:
Weeks 13-14:
Class #1 - Class #2:
Final projects