21M.263 | Spring 2006 | Undergraduate

Music Since 1960

Aspects of Contemporary Music (thumbnail)


Aspects of contemporary music. (Images clockwise from top left, courtesy of the photographers: mixing board fader by Chris Percival; prepared piano by Sue Ann Harkey; gamelan by Cathy Cole; orchestra by Pedro Sánchez, from Wikipedia.)

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Aspects of Contemporary Music (thumbnail)
Alt text:
Collage of several music-related images.
Aspects of contemporary music. (Images clockwise from top left, courtesy of the photographers: mixing board fader by Chris Percival; prepared piano by Sue Ann Harkey; gamelan by Cathy Cole; orchestra by Pedro Sánchez, from Wikipedia.)
Collage of several music-related images.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2006
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments
Presentation Assignments