21M.611 | Fall 2009 | Undergraduate

Foundations of Theater Practice

Image Gallery

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The desk here has flaps folded over and glued, and bookshelves/windows sketched directly onto the backdrop.

Alt text:
A small desk and chair sits stage right, while center stage is dominated by an office space with shelves, a large desk and chair, and a door leading offstage left. On the far left, two chairs and an endtable form a conversational grouping.
The desk here has flaps folded over and glued, and bookshelves/windows sketched directly onto the backdrop.
Credit: Photo by Sara Brown; project created by an anonymous MIT student. Used with permission.
A small desk and chair sits stage right, while center stage is dominated by an office space with shelves, a large desk and chair, and a door leading offstage left. On the far left, two chairs and an endtable form a conversational grouping.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2009
Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery
Written Assignments