21M.611 | Fall 2009 | Undergraduate

Foundations of Theater Practice

Image Gallery

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Act 3 uses some of the same furniture, but in a different arrangement.

Alt text:
After a scene change, the couches have moved to stage left and center, the armchair and lamp are stage right, bookshelves and windows appear on the backdrop, and an enclosing frame extends out onto the apron.
Act 3 uses some of the same furniture, but in a different arrangement.
Credit: Photo by Sara Brown; project created by anonymous MIT students. Used with permission.
After a scene change, the couches have moved to stage left and center, the armchair and lamp are stage right, bookshelves and windows appear on the backdrop, and an enclosing frame extends out onto the apron.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2009
Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery
Written Assignments