21W.021 | Fall 2013 | Undergraduate

Writing and Experience: MIT: Inside, Live



In 2007, MIT hackers hoisted this larger than life Scrabble game to the side of the MIT Media Lab. Image courtesy of Connie on flickr. CC BY.

Alt text:
On the side of a building hang multi-colored squares, each with a letter or phrase on them, simulating a Scrabble game.
In 2007, MIT hackers hoisted this larger than life Scrabble game to the side of the MIT Media Lab. (Image courtesy of Connie on flickr. CC BY.)
Image courtesy of Connie on flickr. CC BY.
On the side of a building hang multi-colored squares, each with a letter or phrase on them, simulating a Scrabble game.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2013
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments with Examples