
1 Introduction None

  • Read responses in pairs and introduce one another
  • Writing for a specific audience:
    • Discuss résumé and cover letter as forms of introduction

Writing due: “Why MIT?”
3 None Reading Response 1
4 None

Reading Response 2

Narrative Essay Kernel & Motive

5 Different views of doctors’ mistakes - student led Narrative essay, 1st version
6 Workshop in small groups Workshop 1 - Comments on narrative essays
7 View sample documentaries and develop collective “critical review” Narrative essay, final version
8 Select and view a pair of health science documentaries None

View documentaries again and take detailed notes (to provide direct evidence in your critical review)

Present materials to class

Prepare for critical review: Identify writers / speakers, dates and sources of all materials to consider in your critical review

Critical Review Pre-Draft Exercise 1

10 Discuss strategies for writing about science for the general public

Write proposal for your critical review (100–50 words)

Critical Review Pre-Draft Exercise 2

11 None Critical Review, 1st version

Workshop on critical review

  • Discuss next two writing assignments
  • Discuss meaning of “public health” and scan list of articles on public health topics

Workshop 2 - Comments on Critical Reviews
13 Library session in Hayden Critical Review, final version

  • Discuss differences between a scholarly review article and a magazine article that provides an overview of a topic or issue. Audience. Function. Structure. Evidence. Language.
  • Discuss differing documentation strategies for scientific review articles and magazine articles

Two-paragraph summary (c. 200 words) of the Scientific American or New York Times article you have chosen

Preparation for your Scientific American Update

15 Discuss summary vs. paraphrase

Zeroing in on your Update material

  • List the key advances and / or changes in orientation reported in your review article
  • Write two-sentence synopses of two supplementary journal articles

Preparation for your Scientific American Update, Part 2

16 Workshop on proposals Write proposal for your Scientific American Update (150–200 words)
17 Workshop on introductory sections Scientific American Update, 1st version
18 Update workshop in small groups Workshop 3 - Comments on Scientific American Updates
19 Workshop on revised introductions Revise introduction to Scientific American Update (at least one full page)

View recent TED talk on public health issue

Discuss criteria for slide presentations

Scientific American Update, final version
21 Discuss oral presentations and slide composition Write up brief response to each TED talk in response to assigned questions
22 Six oral presentations (For those not presenting): Final short commentary
23 Six oral presentations (For those not presenting): Final short commentary
24 Final six oral presentations

(For those not presenting): Final short commentary

(For everyone): Write out at least three objectives to pursue as you revise your selected assignment for a second time


Advanced editing workshop

Sentence-level feedback from your peers

Continue revising selected assignment
26 Read selected passages to the class Second revision of earlier paper

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2016
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments