
Lecture 1: Radiation History to the Present

Lecture 2: Radiation-Utilizing Technology

Lecture 3-1: Gemstone Identification, Medical Radiation Technology  
Lecture 3-2: Space and Other Radiation Technology

Lecture 4-1: Nuclear Physics for Babies, BNCT  
Lecture 4-2: Mass-Energy Equivalence  
Lecture 4-3: Don’t Round, Excess Mass, Binding Energy

Lecture 5-1: Mass-Energy Equivalence, No Rounding!  
Lecture 5-2: Radioactive Decay Diagrams, Alpha Decay and Energetics  
Lecture 5-3: Beta and Positron Decay and Energetics, Neutrinos and Anti-Neutrinos

Lecture 6-1: Electron and Photon Modes of Decay, X-Ray Energies  
Lecture 6-2: Auger Electrons, Primordial Nuclides, Mass-Energy Questions  
Lecture 6-3: Superheavy Elements and Islands of Stability

Lecture 7-1: Semi-Empirical Mass Formula Physical Terms  
Lecture 7-2: Mass-Stability Trends  
Lecture 7-3: Semi-Empirical Mass Parabolas of Stability  
Lecture 7-4: Stealing Nuclear Data for the Problem Sets with WebPlotDigitizer

Problem set 1 due

Lecture 8-1: Finding the Most Stable Nucleus  
Lecture 8-2: Radioactivity, Half Life, Decay Constants  
Lecture 8-3: Quantifying Radioactivity from a Real-Life Banana Gamma Spectrum  
Lecture 8-4: Identifying Unknown Gamma Rays in a Spectrum 

Lecture 9-1: Radioactive Dating Concepts  
Lecture 9-2: Radioactive Dating Detection and Accuracy  
Lecture 9-3: Specific Activity, Don’t Worry about Fukushima! 

Problem set 2 due

Lecture 10-1: Two-Body Kinematics Derivation I  
Lecture 10-2: Two-Body Kinematics Derivation II  
Lecture 10-3: Two-Body Kinematics Example: Neutron Elastic Scattering 

Lecture 11-1: Series Radioactive Decay: Equation Setup  
Lecture 11-2: Series Radioactive Decay: Graphing Solutions I  
Lecture 11-3: Series Radioactive Decay: Graphing Solutions II  
Lecture 11-4: Series Radioactive Decay: Reactor Isotope Production 

Lecture 12-1: RTG Power the Easy (Physics) Way  
Lecture 12-2: Solving Series Decay without Assumptions  
Lecture 12-3: Isotope Production in a Reactor 

Problem set 3 due

Lecture 13-1: Tour of Nuclear Reactions and Cross Sections I  
Lecture 13-2: Cross Sections II, How the ARC Fusion Reactor Makes Tritium 

Lecture 14-1-1: What’s Inside a Cross Section?  
Lecture 14-1-2: Linking Cross Sections and Series Radioactive Decay  
Lecture 14-1-3: What’s an Absorption Cross Section?  
Lecture 14-2: How Many Positrons Do You Emit Per Second?  
Lecture 14-3: Making Money with Cobalt-60 

Lecture 15-1: Introduction to Photon Interactions  
Lecture 15-2: Gamma Spectrum Identification from Photon Interactions  
Lecture 15-3: Wasabi Peas Gamma Spectrum Identification  
Lecture 15-4: How Photon Detectors Work, Quiz 1 Tips and Logistics 

Problem set 4 due

Lecture 16-1: Photon Attenuation  
Lecture 16-2: Quantitative Photon Attenuation Curves  
Lecture 16-3: Interpreting DEXA Scans, Smuggling Diamonds with 22.01

Quiz 1

Lecture 17-1: Compton Scattering Energetics  
Lecture 17-2: Klein-Nishina Angular Differential Cross Section  
Lecture 17-3: Photon Attenuation Calculation for Shielding  
Lecture 17-4: Toenail Spectrum Identification and Quantification

Lecture 18-1: Photon Weirdness I: Photofission, Designing a Compton Camera  
Lecture 18-2: Photon Weirdness II: Inverse Compton Scattering, Gamma Heating

Lecture 19-1: Electronic Stopping Power Derivation I: Setup  
Lecture 19-2: Electronic Stopping Power Derivation II: Single Particle Energy Transfer  
Lecture 19-3: Electronic Stopping Power Derivation III: Multiple Interactions, Checking Assumptions

Problem set 5 due

Lecture 20-1: Stopping Power Derivation Recap  
Lecture 20-2: Limits of Stopping Power Formula Validity, Simplifying It  
Lecture 20-3: Online Stopping Power Tables, Graphing Stopping Power  
Lecture 20-4: Ultra-Fast Nuclear Stopping Power Derivation from Electronic

Lecture 21-1: Radiative Stopping Power and Bremsstrahlung  
Lecture 21-2: Absolute Insanity: Modifying Half Lives!  
Lecture 21-3: Bremsstrahlung Energy Spectrum, How an SEM Works  
Lecture 21-4: EDX Spectra with Real Bremsstrahlung Background

Lecture 22-1: Neutron Transport Equation: Definitions and First Terms  
Lecture 22-2: Neutron Transport Equation: Source and Scattering Terms  
Lecture 22-3: Neutron Transport Equation: Copy/Paste to Create Other Neutron Sources/Sinks  
Lecture 22-4: Neutron Transport Equation: Cancel ALL the Things!

Lecture 23-1: The Neutron Diffusion Simplification: Treat Neutron Fluxes Like Ideal Gas Atoms!  
Lecture 23-2: Solving the Diffusion Equation, and the Concept of Extrapolation Length  
Lecture 23-3: Reactor Buckling: Linking Reactor Materials and Geometry to Criticality

Problem set 6 due

Lecture 24-1: Reactor Criticality Relations, Calculating Geometric Buckling  
Lecture 24-2: Calculating Real Cross Sections with Flux Averaging from JANIS  
Lecture 24-3: Two-Energy Group Neutron Diffusion Theory: The AP-1000 Reactor’s Physical Basis

Lecture 25-1: Radiation Damage Cascades  
Lecture 25-2: The Kinchin-Pease Model of Radiation Damage  
Lecture 25-3: Relaxing Assumptions in the Kinchin-Pease Model  
Lecture 25-4: The Displacement Damage Cross Section

Problem set 7 due

Lecture 26-1: Introduction to Crystal Structure  
Lecture 26-2: Point Defects in Crystalline Solids  
Lecture 26-3: Larger Defects in Crystalline Solids

Lecture 27-1: Defect Mobility, Radiation Hardening and Embrittlement  
Lecture 27-2: Void Swelling, Radiation Induced Segregation  
Lecture 27-3: Even More Nuclear Materials Challenges

Quiz 2

Lecture 28-1: Radiation Dose Units, Dose Quality Factors  
Lecture 28-2: Tissue Quality Factors for Radiation Dose

Problem set 8 due

Quiz 3

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2024
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Recitation Notes
Problem Sets
Exams with Solutions