As discussed in class, it is very difficult to develop a universally accepted definition of what it means to be bilingual or multilingual. In this assignment, I am asking you to begin to think about what you would propose as a definition based on your own experiences, observations, and our discussions in class, thus far. To this end, in an essay of approximately 500 words, develop your own definition of what it means to be bilingual and/or multilingual. You might consider the definitions in the handout distributed in class as a basis for developing your own.
In writing the essay, reflect upon your own language experiences or those of others, e.g., your friends, family members, etc. Give examples where you can. Think about the scope of your definition. One way to do this would be to consider the reasons it might be necessary to have such a definition or the different contexts in which having some criteria, e.g., as a foreign service employee, UN interpreter, health professional, teacher, etc., would be useful and/or necessary. Develop your arguments by providing supporting evidence.
Contact us if you have any questions. Remember you are going to revise this paper. However, it is important that you treat this paper as if it were your final copy. You will not be graded on this version, but you will be for the revised version.
Double-space your essay text. Staple pages together.
Hand in a printed copy to me at our 6th class session and submit an online version via the course website.
Thank you.