24.906J | Fall 2024 | Undergraduate

The Linguistic Study of Bilingualism

Writing Assignment #3B

Jessica G. Cox, Ashley LaBoda, and Najee Mendes (2020). “‘I’m Gonna Spanglish It on You’: Self-Reported vs. Oral Production of Spanish–English Codeswitching." Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 23(2): 446–458.

In this article, Cox et al. compare self-reported vs. actual oral production of Spanish-English codeswitching. Please read the article critically. In about 500 to 750 words, consider the claims made by the authors and evaluate whether or not the empirical evidence they provide supports their claims. 

In evaluating this research, you will need to consider all aspects of the experimental design [age, level of proficiency, languages, task, stimuli, significance of their results. etc.] in order to determine if the conclusions are supported. What are possible flaws in the design? What would the authors’ predictions be for other linguistic populations? What are possible alternative explanations? How would you re-design the study if warranted? What else needs to be considered? If the results can be replicated with other language populations, what would this suggest about the effects of bilingualism? You do not have to answer all these questions. Consider them all but choose the ones you think will most strongly support your arguments and conclusions.

Hand in a printed copy at our 22nd class session and submit an online version via the course website.