The following table presents a thorough summary of each lecture session.
L1 | Introduction: Fields and Gradients; Fluxes; Continuity Equation (PDF) | |
L2 | Irreversible Thermodynamics (PDF) | |
L3 | Driving Forces and Fluxes for Diffusion; Self-Diffusion and Interdiffusion (PDF) |
Scalar Fields, Fluxes, and Accumulation, scalar_field.nb (NB) (Courtesy of Prof. Craig Carter. Used with permission.) Illustrates the behavior of the concentration around a line source that is diffusing into an infinite isotropic medium. |
L4 | Interdiffusion; Effects of Electrical Potential, Capillarity, and Stress on Diffusion Potential (PDF) | |
L5 | Effects of Capillarity and Stress on Diffusion (PDF) | |
L6 | The Diffusion Equation (PDF) | |
L7 | Solutions to the Diffusion Equation - I (PDF) | |
L8 | Solutions to the Diffusion Equation - II (PDF) | |
L9 | Solutions to the Diffusion Equation - III (PDF) |
Solutions to the Diffusion Equation, diffusion_soln.nb (NB) (Courtesy of Miguel Marioni. Used with permission.) Numerical work illustrating some solutions to diffusion boundary-value problems; plots of closed form solutions as well as solutions by finite differences. |
L10 | Activated Jump Processes (PDF) | |
L11 | Diffusion Resulting from Discrete Jumps (PDF) | |
L12 | Diffusion in Crystals (PDF) | |
L13 | Atomic Models for Diffusivities - I (PDF) | |
L14 | Atomic Models for Diffusivities - II (PDF) | |
L15 | Short-Circuit Diffusion in Crystals (PDF) | |
L16 | Diffusion in Noncrystalline Materials (PDF) | |
L17 | Surface Evolution Due to Capillary Forces (PDF) | |
L18 | Particle Coarsening (PDF) | |
L19 | Grain Growth (PDF) | |
L20 | Diverse Short Topics: Anisotropic Surfaces, Diffusional Creep, and Sintering (PDF) | |
L21 | General Features of Phase Transformations (PDF) | |
L22 | Spinodal Decomposition and Continuous Ordering (PDF) |
BCC Alloys in the Bragg-Williams Approximation, bcc_alloys.nb (NB) Free energy model for BCC and CsCl structure with first-neighbor interactions. Calculates miscibility gap for W < 0 and excess free energy per unit area of diffuse interface. |
L23 | Spinodal Decomposition Kinetics (PDF) |
Kinetics of Spinodal Decomposition, spinodal.nb (NB) Extension of the prior lecture’s Mathematica notebook, to cover kinetics of spinodal decomposition including kinetic and thermodynamic wavenumbers, temperature dependence, etc. |
L24 | Nucleation (PDF) | |
L25 | Heterogeneous Nucleation (PDF) | |
L26 | Diffusional Growth (PDF) | |
L27 | Morphological Stability of Moving Interfaces (PDF) |
Diffusional Growth, diffusion_growth.nb (NB) This Mathematica notebook covers growth of a spherical precipitate from supersaturated solution. Calculates rate constant for diffusional growth, interfacial velocity, concentration profile in matrix using exact solution. Explores using stationary-field approximation to calculate interface velocity and concentration profile. Introduces spherical harmonic functions for describing shape perturbations of a sphere. Ni-Cr Equilibrium Diagram, CrNi.tif (TIF) (Reprinted with permission of ASM International®. All rights reserved.) This illustration accompanies the Mathematica notebook on Diffusional Growth. To load in the notebook, place this file in your user directory. |
L28 | Kinetics of Nucleation and Growth Transformations (PDF) |