Lecture Notes

This page contains lecture notes for the Electronic and Optical units. The Magnetics unit was taught by co-instructor David Paul; that material is not available at this time. For each lecture, slides are presented in two versions: the annotated slides with in-class markup by Prof. Marzari, and the original un-annotated versions.

Electronic - Nicola Marzari
1 From particles to waves: the Schrödinger equation (PDF - 1.7 MB) (PDF - 1.3 MB)
2 The mechanics of quantum mechanics: operators, expectation values (PDF - 1.8 MB) (PDF)

Measurements and probabilities

The harmonic oscillator

(PDF - 1.3 MB) (PDF)
4 The hydrogen atom and the periodic table (PDF - 1.4 MB) (PDF - 1.0 MB)
5 Periodicity and phonons (PDF) (PDF)
6 Electrons in a lattice: Bloch’s theorem (PDF - 1.5 MB) (PDF)
7 The nearly-free electron model (PDF - 2.0 MB) (PDF - 1.1 MB)

The tight-binding model

Band structures

(PDF - 3.3 MB) (PDF)
9 Semiconductors and insulators (PDF - 1.5 MB) (PDF)
10 Band structure engineering (PDF - 1.4 MB) (PDF)
11 Transport of heat and electricity (PDF - 2.0 MB) (PDF)
12 Inhomogeneous and hot carriers in semiconductors (PDF - 1.9 MB) (PDF)
13 Mid-term exam (during class, 1:30 hours)    
14 The p-n diode (PDF - 1.2 MB) (PDF)
Optical I - Nicola Marzari
15 Optical materials and refractive index (PDF - 2.1 MB) (PDF)
16 Electromagnetism in dielectric media (PDF) (PDF - 2.3 MB)
17 Classic propagation of waves (PDF - 2.2 MB) (PDF)
18 Interband absorption (PDF - 1.4 MB) (PDF)
Magnetic - David Paul
19 Fundamental of ferromagnetic materials
20 Hysteresis loop and driving energies
21 Hard materials and permanent magnets

Soft materials: thin films and nanoparticles

Spintronics and GMR

23 Spin valves, spin switches, and spin tunneling
Optical II - Nicola Marzari
24 Excitons (PDF - 1.4 MB) (PDF)
25 Luminescence (PDF - 1.0 MB) (PDF)
26 Semiconductor quantum wells (PDF - 1.0 MB) (PDF)
27 Final exam    

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2007
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets with Solutions
Lecture Notes