Measuring the legs to define when the curves should begin.
Is this a comfortable height?
Making the legs with a right-angle bend at the top, and a curve at the bottom.
Making the legs with a right-angle bend at the top, and a curve at the bottom.
Making the legs with a right-angle bend at the top, and a curve at the bottom.
Making the legs with a right-angle bend at the top, and a curve at the bottom.
Aligning the top and bottom supports to avoid buckling.
Nearly finished! The legs need to be welded or fastened together, and a glass top added.
The student TA for the course designed and built a table with three curved legs. First, measure the legs to define when the curves should begin. Is this a comfortable height? Then make the legs with a right-angle bend at the top, and a curve at the bottom. To avoid buckling, align the top and bottom supports. To finish, the legs need to be welded or fastened together, and a glass top added.