3.A04 | Fall 2008 | Undergraduate

Modern Blacksmithing and Physical Metallurgy


The hold-down works by being hammered into the pritchel hole, so it wedges down against the workpiece


This piece needs to be clamped aggressively, so it doesn’t move while details are incised with a cold chisel.

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The hold-down works by being hammered into the pritchel hole, so it wedges down against the workpiece
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The hold-down works by being hammered into the pritchel hole, so it wedges down against the workpiece.
This piece needs to be clamped aggressively, so it doesn’t move while details are incised with a cold chisel.
Credit: Image courtesy of MIT OpenCourseWare.
The hold-down works by being hammered into the pritchel hole, so it wedges down against the workpiece.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2008
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