4.112 | Fall 2012 | Undergraduate

Architecture Design Fundamentals I: Nano-Machines



Screen capture of dynamic Processing code written as a visual abstraction and representation of the rule set in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. Courtesy of Juanita Ballesteros. Used with permission.

Alt text:
A network of black lines interconnected across a white background with some dense portions and others sparse.
Screen capture of dynamic Processing code written as a visual abstraction and representation of the rule set in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. (Courtesy of Juanita Ballesteros. Used with permission.)
Courtesy of Juanita Ballesteros. Used with permission.
A network of black lines interconnected across a white background with some dense portions and others sparse.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2012
Learning Resource Types
Demonstration Videos
Projects with Examples
Design Assignments with Examples
Media Assignments with Examples