4.220 | Fall 2004 | Graduate

Urban Housing: Paris, London, New York


1 Introduction  
2 The Paris Hotel (1550-1830) Dennis, M. Court and Garden: from the French Hôtel to the City of Modern Architecture. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986, pp. 1-177. ISBN: 0262040824.
3 The London Townhouse (1550-1830) Summerson, J. Georgian London. London, UK: Pleiades Books, 1945. ISBN: 0300089880.
4 The NY Rowhouse and Tenement (1625-1875)

Lockwood, C. Bricks and Brownstone: The New York Row House, 1783-1929. New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 1972. ISBN: 0847825221.

Stern, R. A. M., G. Gilmartin, and J. M. Massengale. New York 1900: Metropolitan Architecture and Urbanism, 1890-1915. New York, NY: Rizzoli International Publishers, 1983, pp. 279-356. ISBN: 0847805115.

Plunz, R. A History of Housing in New York City: Dwelling Type and Social Change in the American Metropolis. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1990, pp. 1-313. ISBN: 0231062974.

5 The NY Apartment (1875-1925) Stern, R. A. M., G. Gilmartin, and J. M. Massengale. New York 1900: Metropolitan Architecture and Urbanism, 1890-1915. New York, NY: Rizzoli International Publishers, 1983, pp. 384-477. ISBN: 0847805115.
6 The Paris Apartment (1850-1925)

Buy at MIT Press Dennis, M. Court and Garden: from the French Hôtel to the City of Modern Architecture. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986, pp. 178-209. ISBN: 0262040824.

Daly, C., ed. Revue générale de l’architecture et des travaux publics. Paris, France: Paulin Hetzel, 1839. (Out of print.)

———. Architecture privée au XIXième siècle sous Napoléon III; nouvelles maisons de Paris et des environs. Paris, France: Guimard, 1864. (Out of print.)

Lipstadt, H. “Housing the Bourgeoisie: César Daly and the Ideal Home.” With an introduction by A. Vidler. Oppositions 8 (Spring 1977): 33-47.

Pinckney, D. H. Napoleon III and the Rebuilding of Paris. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1958. ISBN: 0691051364.

7 Modern Housing Projects (1925-1975) Sherwood, Roger. Modern Housing Prototypes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978. ISBN: 0674579410.
8 Seminar I  
9 Seminar II  
10 Seminar III  
11 Seminar IV  


Blondel, J. F. Architecture françoise. Paris, France: 1752. Reprint, Paris, France: 1904.

Du Cerceau , J. A. Livre d’architecture. Paris, France: 1559. Reprint, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1965.

Krafft , J. C., and N. Ransonnette. Plans, coupes élévations des plus belles mainsons et des hôtels construits à Paris et dans les environs. Paris, n.d. (c.1802?). Paris, Facsimile reprint, 1909.

Le Muet, P. Manière de bien bastir pour toutes sortes de personnes. Second enlarged edition, Paris, France: 1647.

Marot, J. L’Architecture françoise (Grand Marot). Paris, France: c. 1670. Reprint, Paris, France: 1970.

Serlio, S. Sesto libro de architettura. (Unpublished, n.d.; before 1554). Two manuscripts exist for this book: the Munich manuscript has been published in facsimile with an introduction and notes by M. Rosci as Il Trattato di architettura di Sebastiano Serlio Milan, Italy: I.T.E.C., 1966; the Columbia University manuscript has been published in facsimile with a foreword by A. K. Placzek, introduction by J. S. Ackerman, and a text by M. N. Rosenfeld as Sebastiano Serlio on Domestic Architecture New York, NY: Architectural History Foundation, c.1978.


Buy at MIT Press Archer, J. The Literature of British Domestic Architecture 1715-1842. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985. ISBN: 0262010763.

Cameron, R., and A. Cooke. Above London. San Francisco, CA: Cameron and Company, 1980.

Girouard, M. Life in the English Country House. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1994.

Jackson-Stops, G., and J. Pipkin. The English Country House: A Grand Tour. Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1985.

Jones, E., and C. Woodward. A Guide to the Architecture of London. London, UK: Phoenix Illustrated, 1983.

Buy at MIT Press Rasmusssen, S. E. London, the Unique City. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1982. ISBN: 0262680270.

Sheppard, F. H. W. The Survey of London. London, UK: Athlone Press for London City Council, 1957.

Summerson, J. Architecture in Britain 1530-1830. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1989.

Sykes, C. S. Private Palaces: Life in the Great London Houses. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1986.

Wiekensons, D. Architectural Theory and Practice from Alberti to Ledoux. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1982.

New York

Cromley, E. C. Alone Together: A History of New York’s Early Apartments. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1999.

Ford, J. Slums and Housing. Vols. 1 and 2. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1936.

Buy at MIT Press Jackson, A. A Place Called Home: A History of Low-Cost Housing in Manhattan. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1976. ISBN: 0262100177.

Stern, R. A. M., G. Gilmartin, and T. Mellin. New York 1930: Architecture and Urbanism Between the Two World Wars. New York, NY: RizzoIi International Publishers, 1987.

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As Taught In
Fall 2004