4.605 | Spring 2012 | Undergraduate

Introduction to the History and Theory of Architecture


These notes for selected discussion sections are courtesy of the course teaching assistants Mohamad A. Chakaki, Igor Demchenko, and Michael Kubo.

REC # Topics
R1 Discussion: first societies (PDF)
R2 Discussion: The MIT Chapel (PDF)
R3 Discussion section: buildings and representations in time (PDF)
R4 Discussion: the pyramids (PDF)

Discussion: the profession of the architect in classical antiquity

In lieu of notes, students referred to an excerpt of Vitruvius’ De architectura (aka The Ten Books on Architecture), from Book 1 “First Principles and the Layout of Cities.”

  • Preface
  • Ch. 1. The Education of the Architect
  • Ch. 2. The Terms of Architecture
  • Ch. 3. The Divisions of Architecture

Source: Vitruvius Ten Books on Architecture, trans. Ingrid D. Rowland. Cambridge University Press, 1999.

(Note for OCW users, an alternate translation by Morris Hicky Morgan (1914) is available online.)

R9 Discussion: the plan of St. Gall (PDF)

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2012
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments