1 |
Time-Independent Hamiltonian (PDF) Two-Level System Density Matrix |
Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
2 | Quantum Dynamics; Time-Evolution Operator (PDF) | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
3 | Schrödinger/Heisenberg/Interaction Pictures (PDF) | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
4 | Time-development of State Amplitudes/Resonant Driving of Two-Level System (PDF) | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
5 | Perturbation Theory (PDF) | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
6 |
Fermi’s Golden Rule (PDF) Supplement: Slowly Applied Perturbation (PDF) |
Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
7 | Irreversible Relaxation (PDF) | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
8 |
Interaction Of Light and Matter (PDF) Supplement: Review of Electromagnetic Fields (PDF) |
Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
9 | Time-Correlation Functions (PDF) | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
10 | Absorption Lineshape from Time-Correlation Functions (PDF) | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
11 | Electronic Spectroscopy: The Displaced Harmonic Oscillator Model (PDF) | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
12 | Lineshapes: Fluctuation and Relaxation (PDF) | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
13 | Förster Theory and Marcus Theory (PDF) | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff |
14 | Angular Momentum in Spherical Tensor Operations (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
15 | 3-j and 6-j Coefficients (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
16 | Hund’s Coupling Cases: Transformations of Basis Set (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
17 | Bright State, Dark State, Pluck (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
18 | Frequency Domain Spectrum as FT of Autocorrelation Function (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
19 | Dynamical Quantities: Visualization of Dynamics (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
20 | Motion of Center of Wavepacket (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
21 | Resonance Operators: Equation of Motion (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
22 | From Quantum Beats to Wavepackets (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
23 |
Types of Wavepacket (PDF) Supplement: Stationary Phase for Vibration-Electronic Spectra and Heller’s Fractionation Index (PDF) |
Prof. Robert Field |
24 | Complex Energy Heff: Nondegenerate Perturbation Theory (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
25 |
Quasi-degenerate Perturbation Theory (PDF) Strong and Weak Coupling Limits |
Prof. Robert Field |
26 | Polyads, a, a+, N (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
27 | Dynamics in State Space and in Q, P Space (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
28 |
Chem Phys Lett 320 (2000): 553 (PDF) Visualizing IVR |
Prof. Robert Field |
29 | Normal – Local Modes: Classical, Morse, Minimal Model (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
30 | Normal – Local Modes: 6-Parameter Models (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
31 | From Quantum Mechanical Heff to Classical Mechanical Heff (PDF) | Prof. Robert Field |
32 |
IVR, ISC, IC (PDF) Extra Topics Diabatic-Adiabatic Electromagnetic Field-Dressed Potential Curves Coherent Control of Photofragment Branching Ratios |
Prof. Robert Field |
Final Exam |
Lecture Notes
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