Lecture notes for each topic discussed in class are provided in the following table. The FeedAGeek slide decks for Week 9 are intended to illustrate progressive improvements upon a sample pitch. There are no notes for Weeks 10–13, as time spent in class was devoted to developing the final projects.
Week 1 | |
Introduction & Web Basics | |
Week 2 | |
Routing & Model-View-Controller Design |
Modularity & Dependences (PDF) |
Dependency & REST | |
Week 3 | |
Introduction to Data & Object Modeling |
Object Models: Intro & Rationale (PDF) Object Models: Math Structures (PDF) Object Models: Classification (PDF) Object Models: Relationships (PDF) |
Relational Data Model |
Rails Models: Classes & Tables (PDF) |
Week 4 | |
Design Concepts |
Design Concepts: Intro (PDF - 1.2MB) Design Concepts: Identifying Concepts (PDF) |
Design & Code Reviews for Project 1 | |
Week 5 | |
Intro to JavaScript | |
Closures |
JavaScript: Functions, Scope & Closures (PDF - 1.1MB) JavaScript: Closure Examples (PDF) JavaScript: Objects, Literals & Constructors (PDF) |
Week 6 | |
DOM | |
Events & Ajax | |
Week 7 | |
Design Review for Project 2 | Design Review: Project 2 (PDF - 2.7MB) |
Web Security | |
Week 8 | |
Software Development Methods | |
Week 9 | |
Designing Dependable Software | |
Presenting Your Ideas |
Perils & Pleasures of PPT (PDF) FeedAGeek: Sample Pitch v1 (PDF) |