Readings Legend
[BOWTT] = Lundberg, Kent. Become One with the Transistor.
[FCSACD] = Lundberg, Kent. Feedback Control Systems for Analog Circuit Design.
[AN47] = Williams, Jim. Linear Technology Application Note 47 (PDF)
[ABC] = Tektronix, ABCs of Probes
Week # | Lecture Topics |
Lecture Readings |
Recitation Topics |
Recitation Readings |
Assignments |
1 | Sample and Hold Applications | BOWTT 46 | Buffers | BOWTT 30 | Problem Set 1 |
2 | S & H Four Diode Gate, Buffers | BOWTT 47 | Op Amps and Z Amps | BOWTT 28, 29, 30 | Problem Set 2 |
3 | S & H Dual Amplifier Topologies | BOWTT 48 | Measurements and Error Series | AN47, ABC | Laboratory 1 |
4 | S & H Switches, Drives, Examples | BOWTT 49 | Power Converters | FCSACD 11.1 | Problem Set 3 |
5 | Digital-to-Analog Converters | BOWTT 50 | Buck Topology and Control | FCSACD 11.2 | Design Problem 1 |
6 | D/A PWM, Dividers, Ladders | BOWTT 51 | Converter Switch Drivers | FCSACD 11.3 | Problem Set 4 |
7 | D/A Voltage and Current Swi | BOWTT 52 | Oscillators | BOWTT 57 | |
9 | D/A Offset Correction, References | BOWTT 53 | Phase Lock Loops | FCSACD 13.1, 13.2 | Laboratory 2 |
10 | D/A Examples | Phase Detectors | FCSACD 13.3 | Design Problem 2 | |
11 | Analog-to-Digital Converters | BOWTT 37 | Student Presentations | Problem Set 5 | |
12 | A/D Counters, SAR, Flash | BOWTT 54 | Student Presentations | Problem Set 6 | |
13 | A/D Folders, Integrating | BOWTT 38, 55 | Student Presentations | Laboratory 3 | |
14 | A/D Dual Slope Converters | BOWTT 56 | Student Presentations | Design Problem 3 | |
15 | A/D Examples |