6.821 | Fall 2002 | Graduate

Programming Languages


This section contains the midterm and final exams given during the course. The instructor used a Jeopardy game, provided in this section, in the place of a more traditional final exam review. For this game, teams of students provided the questions to answers (in the same reverse as used by the American television show Jeopardy). In addition, exams from previous offerings of the course are also provided as study aids for students.

Year Exams Solutions
2002 Midterm (PDF) (PDF)
2002 Jeopardy Game- Final Exam Review (PDF)  
2002 Final (PDF - 1.3MB) (PDF - 1.5MB)
2001 Final (PDF) (PDF)
2000 Midterm with Solutions (PDF)
2000 Final with Solutions (PDF)
1999 Midterm with Solutions (PDF)
1999 Final with Solutions (PDF)
1998 Midterm with Solutions (PDF)

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2002
Learning Resource Types
Programming Assignments