Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, second edition. MIT Press, 1996. 657pp. ISBN: 9780262510875.
- The MIT 6.001 course text, henceforth referred to as SICP. A masterpiece.
Daniel P. Friedman and Matthias Felleisen. The Little Schemer, fourth edition. MIT Press, 1995. 216pp. ISBN: 9780262332545.
- An elementary Scheme tutorial in dialog form.
Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand, and Christopher T. Haynes. Essentials of Programming Languages. MIT Press, 1992. 536pp.
- Programming language implementation in Scheme; a sequel to SICP.
Brian Harvey and Matthew Wright. Simply Scheme. MIT Press, 1994. 583pp.
- An intro to functional programming in Scheme designed as a prequel to SICP.
- Max Hailperin, Barbara Kaiser, and Karl Knight. Concrete Abstractions. Brooks/Cole Publishing, c. 1999. 670pp.
- An attractive alternative to SICP.
- Vincent Manis and James Little.The Schematics of Computation. Prentice-Hall, 1995.
- An attractive alternative to SICP.
- George Springer and Daniel P. Friedman.Scheme and the Art of Programming. MIT Press, 1989. 617pp.
- Intro to programming in Scheme comparable at a level comparable to SICP. Does not cover concurrency, interpreters or compilers; does cover control abstractions such as continuations.
Some Scheme-Based Introductory Programming Texts
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