6.881 | Spring 2005 | Graduate

Representation and Modeling for Image Analysis

Lecture Notes

1 Introduction, Tutorial on PCA (PDF)
2 Eigenfaces (PDF)
3 Active Appearance Models
4 Tutorial on EM
5 Learning Flexible Sprites in Video Layers
6 LLE and other Manifold Learning Methods
7 EM Segmentation
8 Tutorial on Calculus of Variations
9 Mumford-Shah
10 Snakes
11 Geodesic Active Contours
12 Shape Based Curve Evolution (PDF)
13 Tutorial on Clustering
14 Spectral Clustering
15 Normalized Cuts
16 Graph Cuts for Energy Minimization
17 Belief Propagation (PDF)
19 Constellation Model
20 Shape Context
21 Local Descriptors
22 Object Recognition
23 Finite Element Models
24 Non-rigid Registration using B-splines
25 Belief Propagation in Image Analysis
26 Doing Photogrammetry Right

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2005