Mathematica Notebooks (These files were used by Prof. Adams during lecture sessions.)
- Exploring Fourier Transforms (NB)
- Finding T and R (NB)
- Spherical Harmonics (NB)
- Inverse Scattering (NB) (Exam 2 Problem 2)
- Bands for N Wells (NB)
- Band Edges for Delta Wells (NB)
- Band Edges for Delta Lattice (NB)
- Gaussian Wave Packet with Time Dependence (NB)
- Particle in a Box Example (NB)
- Quantum Harmonic Oscillator (NB)
Recitation Notes
- Recitation Notes: Polarizers vs. Hyper-Intelligent Monkeys (PDF)
- Recitation Notes: Electron Diffraction with Crystals (PDF)
- Mathematica Notebooks from Recitation (PDF - ZIP) (NB - ZIP)
Additional Notes
- Optional Problems on the Harmonic Oscillator (PDF)
- On Common Eigenbases of Commuting Operators (PDF) Courtesy of Paolo Glorioso.
- Bandstructure of Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes: An Exercise in Condensed Matter Physics (PDF) Courtesy of Christian Schönenberger.
Other Resources
- Video of the electron double-slit experiment
- Video of matter waves (Z 47)
- Jaffe, R. L. “Reflection Above the Barrier as Tunneling in Momentum Space.” American Journal of Physics 78 (2010): 620.
- Davisson, Clinton, and Lester Halbert Germer. “Diffraction of Electrons by a Crystal of Nickel.” Physical Review 30, no. 6 (1927): 705.
- Nesvizhevsky, Valery V., Hans G. Börner, et al. “Quantum States of Neutrons in the Earth’s Gravitational Field.” Nature 415, no. 6869 (2002): 297–9.