Course Description
This is an introductory graduate-level course on the phenomenology and experimental foundations of nuclear and particle physics, including the fundamental forces and particles, as well as composites. Emphasis is on the experimental establishment of the leading models, and the theoretical tools and experimental …
This is an introductory graduate-level course on the phenomenology and experimental foundations of nuclear and particle physics, including the fundamental forces and particles, as well as composites. Emphasis is on the experimental establishment of the leading models, and the theoretical tools and experimental apparatus used to establish them.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Problem Sets with Solutions
Lecture Notes
Presentation Assignments
![Seventeen squares arranged in 4 rows and 5 columns.](/courses/8-701-introduction-to-nuclear-and-particle-physics-fall-2020/ab26e5922052acb98b149656576487f4_8-701f20.jpg)