9.01 | Fall 2003 | Undergraduate

Neuroscience and Behavior


1 Introduction to Brain-behavior Studies

2 History and Goals, II

3 History and Goals, III

4 History and Goals, IV

5 Cellular Mechanisms

6 Neuronal Conduction and Transmission

7 Synapses

Neuroanatomical Techniques

8 Introduction to CNS and its Evolution Writing assignment 1 due
9 Evolution (cont.)

Reflex and Cerebellar Channels

10 Brain Subdivisions

Channels of Conduction

11 Transection Effects


12 Spinal Cord

Autonomic NS

13 Hindbrain and Midbrain

14 Midbrain and Forebrain

15 Development of CNS, Introduction

16 Cell migration

Axon Growth Stages

17 Influences on Axon Growth

18 Axonal Sprouting and Regeneration

19 Motor System, 1 Writing assignment 2: Thesis statement and annotated bibliography of sources due
20 Motor System, 2

21 Motor System, 3

Midterm Exam

22 Motor 4: Rythmic Outputs

23 Rhythms of Activity

Sleep and Waking

Writing assignment 2: Version 1 due
24 Sleep and Waking (cont.)

25 Habituation, Novelty Responses

26 Visual System 1: Anatomy, Ablations

27 Visual System 2: Physiology (Orig: Ablation Effects)

28 Visual System 3: Ablation Studies

29 Visual System 4: Ablations (cont.) (Orig: Electrophysiology)

30 Visual System Conclusion

31 Auditory System

32 Pain and Central Gray Area

33 Hypothalamus and Feeding

34 Drive, Reward

Agonistic Behavior

35 Higher Functions

Human Nature

Writing assignment 2: Final version due
36 Human Nature and Neuroscience

37 Conclusion


Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2003
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Audio
Written Assignments