9.011 | Fall 2002 | Graduate

The Brain and Cognitive Sciences I

Doogie Mouse


A “Doogie” mouse over-expressing NR2B subunit of the NMDA receptor learns faster and remembers better. (Image courtesy of Nathan Wilson.)

Alt text:
Three images: an illustration of an interior view of the human brain; a mouse next to two plastic shapes; an ullustration of several circles interconnected by lines.

These images demonstrate the breadth of subject matter in this course. (Images courtesy of Nathan Wilson.)

• Image 1: Midsagittal brain section.
• Image 2: “Doogie” mouse over-expressing NR2B subunit of the NMDA receptor learns faster and remembers better.
• Image 3: Schematic representation of neural network: Parallel interconnected nodes provide robust information processing in neuronal systems.

Three images: an illustration of an interior view of the human brain; a mouse next to two plastic shapes; an ullustration of several circles interconnected by lines.
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments