16.A47 | Fall 2009 | Undergraduate

The Engineer of 2020


1 The world is changing and becoming more global How is the world into which we send students changing?
2 Another view of globalization: even in a spiky world there are issues How is the world into which we send students changing?
3 Engineering education needs to change What are the attributes of educated engineers in the future? What should be required of engineers?
4 While there is demand and U.S. is still leading there are also serious troubles (K-12, growing competition) What is the state of science and engineering and how is it connected to education now? What is the state of K-12 and 13 -20 education in the U.S.?

MIT admission trends

Guest: Stu Schmill, MIT Admissions

How are students changing and what kind of students come to MIT?

MIT students do well, go into a diverse range of careers and don’t develop in some interesting ways that may be associated with leadership

Guest: Melanie Parker, MIT Careers Office

What value added have we brought to MIT students and how do they use it?
7 Some of our key competitors seem to be moving in our direction with more of a science emphasis How are some of our key competitors reacting to the changes in the world?
8 MIT has thought hard about the integration of life and learning and tried to improve and MIT has thought hard about a modern curriculum and is trying to change How are we reacting to some of the changes in the world? Do you think this is the right plan for a curriculum for the year 2025?
9 Other ways to think about engineering education Are there other ways to think about an engineering education?

A good education is generally useful; discussions with Cambridge-MIT Exchange students and a Professor of the Practice.

Guest: Professor Chris Magee

What can be learned from getting away (in time and space) and reflecting? What should our education do?
11 More on engineering education: change is hard especially when it is cultural Maybe it is not possible for change to occur?
12-13 Student presentations and discussion

General questions: Are we doing the right thing for our students? Do MIT students have any advantages over our competitors? What should our education do?

Specific questions: Where do you want your education to take you? What do you think it should give you? How do you think MIT will help you achieve these goals?

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2009
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments with Examples