Lecture Notes

The following table lists the lecture topics of the sessions, as well as the lecture slides associated with each session. For Session 6, no slides are provided because the session consisted of a tutorial and workshop that were tailored to address students’ individual works.

1 Introduction (PDF - 14.1MB)
2 Planes, Planes, and Planes (PDF - 9.4MB)
3 Composites, Conventions, Axonometrics (PDF - 7.2MB)
4 Curvature (PDF - 9.2MB)
5 Stereotomy and Developability (PDF - 6.4MB)
6 Organic Modeling
7 Discretization (PDF - 43.7MB)
8 Presentation and Publication (PDF)

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2012
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Projects with Examples
Design Assignments
Activity Assignments