Course Description
This course covers current understanding of, and modern approaches to human disease, emphasizing the molecular and cellular basis of both genetic disease and cancer. Topics include: The Genetics of Simple and Complex Traits; Karyotypic Analysis and Positional Cloning; Genetic Diagnosis; The Roles of Oncogenes and Tumor …
This course covers current understanding of, and modern approaches to human disease, emphasizing the molecular and cellular basis of both genetic disease and cancer. Topics include: The Genetics of Simple and Complex Traits; Karyotypic Analysis and Positional Cloning; Genetic Diagnosis; The Roles of Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressors in Tumor Initiation, Progression, and Treatment; The Interaction between Genetics and Environment; Animal Models of Human Disease; Cancer; and Conventional and Gene Therapy Treatment Strategies.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Written Assignments
![Illustration of a gene undergoing gene therapy.](/courses/7-27-principles-of-human-disease-spring-2006/823aae293f341b2b46360a4c215e4f66_7-27s06.jpg)
Gene therapy using an adenovirus vector. Image courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.