1 | Introduction |
Dehaene, S., V. Izard, P. Pica, E. Spelke. “Core Knowledge of Geometry in an Amazonian Indigene Group.” Science 311 (2006): 381-384. Gordon, P. “Numerical Cognition without Words: Evidence from Amazonia.” Science 306 (2004): 496-499. Everett, D. “Cultural Constraints on Grammar and Cognition in Piraha: Another Look at the Design Features of Human Language.” Unpublished Paper, University of Manchester, UK, 2004. Newell, A. “You Can’t Play 20 Questions with Nature and Win: Projective Comments on the Papers of this Symposium.” In Visual Information Processing. Edited by W. Chase. New York, NY: Academic Press, 1973. Hosch, E. “Natural Categories.” Cognitive Psychology 4 (1973): 328-350. Plato. “Meno.” Translated by Benjamin Jowett. |
2 | History of Cognitive Science |
Watson, J. “Behaviorism - The Modern Note in Psychology.” 1929. Tolman, E. “Cognitive Maps in Rats and Men.” The Psychological Review 55, no. 4 (1948): 189-208. Chomsky, N. “On Cognitive Structures and Their Development: A Reply to Piaget.” In Language and Learning: The Debate between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky. Edited by Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1984, pp. 142-149. ISBN: 0674509412. ———. “The Lingustic Approach.” In Language and Learning: The Debate between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky. Edited by Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1984, pp. 109-117. ISBN: 0674509412. Marr, D. “Vision: A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information.” W. H. Freeman. San Francisco, CA: 1982. Fodor, J. A. “On the Impossibility of Acquiring more Powerful Structures.” In Language and Learning. Piattelli-Palmarini, M., J. Piaget, and N. Chomsky eds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980 ———. “Precis of the Modularity of Mind.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences (Print) 8, no. 11 (1985): 1-42. Cambridge University Press. Chomsky, N. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1965. ISBN: 0262530074. |
3 | Early and Mid-level Vision |
Olshausen, B., and D. Field. “Sparse Coding with an Overcomplete Basis Set: A Strategy Employed by V1?” Vision Research 37 (1997): 3311-3325. Balas, B., and P. Sinha. “Dissociated Dipoles: Image Representation via Non-local Comparisons.” AI Memo: 2003-018. |
4 | Mid-level Vision |
Gilchrist, A. L. “Perceived Lightness Depends on Perceived Spatial Arrangement.” Science 195 (1977): 185-187. Purves D., R. B. Lotto, S. M. Williams, S. Nundy, and Z. Yang. “Why We See Things the Way We Do: Evidence for a Wholly Empirical Strategy of Vision.” Philos Trans R Soc Lond B 356 (2001): 285-297. Kingdom, F. A. A. “Levels of Brightness Perception.” In Levels of Perception. Edited by L. Harris and M. Jenkin. Springer-Verlag, 2003a. ISBN: 0387955259 |
5 | High-level Vision: Basic Issues |
McKone, E., and N. Kanwisher. “Does the Human Brain Process Objects of Expertise like Faces? A Review of the Evidence.” In From Monkey Brain to Human Brain. Edited by S. Dehaene, J. R. Duhamel, M. Hauser, and Rizzolatti. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005. ISBN: 0262042231. Gauthier, I., and N. Logothetis. “Is Face Recognition Not So Unique After All?” Journal of Cognitive Neuropsychology 17, nos. 1/2/3 (2000): 125-142. |
6 | High-level Vision: Models |
Kreiman, G., I Fried, and C. Koch. “Single-neuron Correlates of Subjective Vision in the Human Medial Temporal Lobe.” PNAS 99, no. 12: 8378-8383. Vinje, W., and J Gallant. “Sparse Coding and Decorrelation in Primary Visual Cortex during Natural Vision.” Science 287 (2000): 1273-1276. Lowe, D. “Towards a Computational Model for Object Recognition in IT Cortex.” Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision (BMCV): Seoul, Korea, 2000. Fujita, I., K. Tanaka, M. Ito, and K. Cheng. “Columns for Visual Features of Objects in Monkey Inferotemporal Cortex.” Nature 360 (1992): 343-346. |
7 | Visual Development |
Kirkham, N., J. Slemmer, and S. Johnson. “Visual Statistical Learning in Infancy: Evidence for a Domain General Learning Mechanism.” Cognition 83 (2002): 35-42. Lovett, A., and B. Scassellati. “Using a Robot to Reexamine Looking Time Experiments.” Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL'04), 2004. |
8 | Abnormal Visual Development |
Pollak, S., and P. Sinha. “Effects of Early Experience on Children’s Recognition of Facial. Displays of Emotion.” Developmental Psychology 38, no. 5 (2002): 784-791. Sacks, O. “To See and Not See.” In An Anthropologist on Mars. New York, NY: Vintage Books, 1995. ISBN 0679756973. Joseph, R., and J. Tanaka. “Holistic and Part-based Recognition in Children with Autism.” Journal of Child Psychiatry and Psychology 43 (2002): 1-14. Pelphry, K., et al. “Visual Scanning of Faces in Autism.” Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 32, no. 4 (2002): 249-261. Fine I., et al. “Long-term Deprivation Affects Visual Perception and Cortex.” Nature Neuroscience 6, no. 9 (2001): 915-916. |
9 | Visual Attention and Visual Awareness |
Chun, M., and J. Wolfe. “Visual Attention.” Chapter 9 in Blackwell’s Handbook of Perception. Edited by E. B. Goldstein. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 2001, pp. 272-310. ISBN: 0631206833 Itti, L., and C. Koch. “Computational Modelling of Visual Attention.” Nat Rev Neurosci 2, no. 3 (2001): 194-203. |
10 | Visual Memory and Visual Imagery | |
11 | Cognitive Architectures and Long-term Memory |
Collins, A., and M. Quillian. “Retrieval Time from Semantic Memory.” Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 8 (1969): 240-248. Mcclell, J., and T. Rogers. “The Parallel Distributed Processing Approach to Semantic Cognition.” Nat Rev Neurosci 4, no. 44 (2004): 310-322. Fodor, J., and Z. Pylyshyn. “Connectionism and Cognitive Architecture: A Critical Analysis.” Cognition 28 (1988): 3-71. Hinton, G. “Learning Distributed Representations of Concepts.” In Proc. Eighth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1986, pp. 1-12. Chater, N., and M. Oaksford. “Ten Years of the Rational Analysis of Cognition.” Trends Cogn Sci 3, no. 2 (1999): 57-65. Anderson, J., and L. Schooler. “Reflections of the Environment in Memory.” Psychological Science 2, no. 6 (1991): 396-408. |
12 | Generalization and Similarity |
Tversky, A. “Features of Similarity.” Psychological Rev 84, no. 4 (1977): 327-352. Shepard, R. “Multidimensional Scaling, Tree-fitting, and Clustering.” Science 210 (1980): 390-397. Shepard, R. “Towards a Universal Law of Generalization for Psychological Science.” Science 237 (1987): 1317-1323. Tenenbaum, J., and T. Griffiths. “Generalization, Similarity, and Bayesian Inference.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2001): 629-641. Tenenbaum, J. “Rules and Similarity in Concept Learning.” In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12. Edited by S. Solla, T. Leen, and K. Muller. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000, pp. 59-65. ISBN: 0262194503. |
13 | Concepts, Categories, and Theories |
Medin, D. “Concepts and Conceptual Structure.” American Psychologist 44, no. 12 (1989): 1461-1481. Medin, D., R. Goldstone, and D. Gentner. “Respects for Similarity.” Psychological Review 100 (1993): 254-278. Norenzayan, A., E. Smith, B. Kim, and R. Nisbett. “Cultural Preferences for Formal versus Intuitive Reasoning.” Cognitive Science 26 (2002): 653-684. Atran, S. “Classifying Nature Across Cultures.” In Thinking: An Invitation to Cognitive Science. Edited by E. Smith and D. Osherson. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995. ISBN: 0262650444. Bailey, D., J. Feldman, S. Narayanan, and G. Lakoff. “Modeling Embodied Lexical Development.” In Proceedings of the Annual Cognitive Science Society, 1997. Kemp, C., and J. Tenenbaum. “Theory-based Induction.” In Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2003. |
14 | Probabilistic and Conditional Reasoning and Decision Making |
Tversky, A., and D. Kahneman. “Probabilistic Reasoning. (1974/1983).” In Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Edited by A. Goldman. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993, pp. 45-68. ISBN: 0262571005. Chase, V., R. Hertwig, and G. Gigerenzer. “Visions of Rationality.” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (1998): 206-214. Krynski, T., and J. Tenenbaum. “The Role of Causal Models in Reasoning under Uncertainty.” Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. London: LEA, 2003, pp. 692-97. Nisbett, R., D. Krantz, C. Jepson, and Z. Kunda. “The Use of Statistical Heuristics in Everyday Inductive Reasoning.” Psychological Review 90 (1983): 339-363. Cosmides, L., and J. Tooby. “Cognitive Adaptations for Social Exchange.” In The Adapted Mind. Edited by J. Barkow, L. Cosmides, and J. Tooby. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1989, pp. 163-228. ISBN: 0195101073. Oaksford, M., N. Chater. “A Rational Analysis of the Selection Task as Optimal Data Selection.” Psychological Review 101, no. 4 (1994): 608-631. Shafir, E., and A. Tversky. “Decision Making.” In Thinking: An Invitation to Cognitive Science. Edited by E. E. Smith, and D. N. Osherson. Vol. 2. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995, pp. 77-100. ISBN: 0262650444. |
15 | Probabilistic and Conditional Reasoning and Decision Making (cont.) | |
16 | Moral Judgment and Social Cognition |
Frank, R. Passions Within Reason: The Strategic Role of the Emotions. New York, NY: Norton, 1988, pp. 1-14, 19-35, 43-63, and 185-211. ISBN: 0393026043. Fehr, E., and S. Gächter. “Altruistic Punishment in Humans.” Nature 415 (2002): 137-140. Mikhail, J. “Aspects of the Theory of Moral Cognition: Investigating Intuitive Knowledge of the Prohibition of Intentional Battery, the Rescue Principle, the First Principle of Practical Reason, and the Principle of Double Effect.” Unpublished paper, 2002. Greene, J., et al. “An fMRI Investigation of Emotional Engagement in Moral Judgment.” Science 293 (2001): 2105-2108 Csibra, G. “Teleological and Referential Understanding of Action in Infancy.” Philos Trans R Soc B Biol Sci 29 (2003): 447–458. Miller, G. F., and P. M. Todd. “Mate Choice Turns Cognitive.” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (1998): 190-198. |
17 | Cognitive Development |
Spelke E. S. “Nativism, Empiricism, and The Origins of Knowledge.” Infant Behavior and Development 21, no. 2, (1998): 181-200 (20). Gopnik, A., and H. Wellman. “The ‘Theory Theory’.” In Domain Specificity in Culture and Cognition. Edited by L. Hirschfield and S. Gelman. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1994. ISBN: 0521419662. Spelke, E., K. Breinlinger, J. Macomber, and K. Jacobson. “Origins of knowledge.” Psychological Review 99, no. 4 (1992): 605-632. Hood, B., et al. “Predicting the Outcomes of Physical Events: Two-year-olds Fail to Reveal Knowledge of Solidity and Support.” Child Development 71 (2000): 1540–155. Meltzoff, A. “Understanding the Intentions of Others: Re-enactment of Intended Acts by 18-month-old Children.” Developmental Psychology 31 (1995): 838-850. Woodward, A. “Infants Selectively Encode the Goal Object of an Actor’s Reach.” Cognition 69 (1998): 1-34. lavell, J. “Theory of Mind Development: Retrospect and Prospect.” Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 50, no. 3 (2004): 274-290. Onishi, K., and R. Baillargeon. “Do 15-Month-Old Infants Understand False Beliefs?” Science 308 (2005): 255-258. |
18 | Short-Term/Working Memory |
Baddeley, A. “Is Working Memory Still Working?” American Psychologist 56, no. 11 (2001): 851-864. Jiang, Y., I. Olson, and M. Chun. “Organization of Visual Short-term Memory.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 26 (2000): 683-702. Gathercole, S. “Cognitive Approaches to the Development of Short-term Memory.” Trends in Cognitive Science 3 (1998): 410-418. Baddeley, A. “The Episodic Buffer: A New Component of Working Memory?” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 4 (2000): 417-423. Engle, R. “Working Memory Capacity as Executive Attention.” Current Directions in Psychological Science 11 (2002): 19-23. |
19 | Language I: Syntax |
Jurafsky, D., and J. Martin. “Context-free grammars for English.” Chapter 9 in Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN: 0130950696. Sag, I., T. Wasow, and E. Bender. Syntactic Theory - A Formal Introduction. 2nd ed. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 2003, chapter 1. ISBN: 1575861607. ———. Syntactic Theory - A formal introduction. 2nd ed. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 2003, chapter 2. ISBN: 1575861607. |
20 | Language II: Language Processing 1 |
Gibson, E., and N. Pearlmutter. “Constraints on Sentence Comprehension.” Trends in Cognitive Science 2 (1998): 262-268. Gibson, E. “Linguistic Complexity in Sentence Comprehension.” In Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Edited by L. Nadel. New York, NY: Nature Publishing Group, 2002, pp. 1137-1141. ISBN: 0333792610. Tanenhaus, M., M. Spivey-Knowlton, K. Eberhard, and J. Sedivy. “Integration of Visual and Linguistic Information in Spoken Language Comprehension.” Science 268 (1995): 1632-1634. Trueswell, J. “The Role of Lexical Frequency in Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution.” Journal of Memory and Language 35 (1996): 566–585. Gibson, E. “The Interaction of Top-down and Bottom-up Statistics in the Resolution of Syntactic Category Ambiguity.” Journal of Memory and Language 54 (2006): 363-388. |
21 | Language III: Language Processing 2 |
Gordon, P., R. Hendrick, and M. Johnson. “Memory Interference during Language Processing.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 27 (2001): 1411-1423. Kim, A., L. Osterhout. “The Independence of Combinatory Semantic Processing: Evidence from Event-related Potentials.” Journal of Memory and Language 52 (2005): 205-225. Sedivy, J., M. Tanenhaus, G. Chambers, and G. Carlson. “Achieving Incremental Semantic Interpretation Through Contextual Representation.” Cognition 71 (1999): 109-147. Hsiao, F., and E. Gibson. “Processing Relative Clauses in Chinese.” Cognition 90 (2003): 3-27. |
22 | Language IV: Language Acquisition |
Elman, J. “Distributed Representations, Simple Recurrent Networks and Grammatical Structure.” Machine Learning 7 (1991): 195-225. Pinker, S. “Rules of Language.” Science 253 (1991): 530-535. Trueswell, J., I. Sekerina, N. Hill, and M. Logrip. “The Kindergarten-path Effect: Studying On-line Sentence Processing in Young Children.” Cognition 73 (1999): 89-134. Bloom, P. “Precis of How Children Learn the Meanings of Words.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2001): 1095-1103. Tomasello, M. “The Item-based Nature of Children’s early Syntactic Development.” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 4, no. 4 (2000): 156-163. |
23 | Language V: Speech and Speech Acquisition |
Tartter, V. C. Language and Its Normal Processing. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998, chapter 6. ISBN: 0803959958. ———. Language and Its Normal Processing. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998, chapter 7. ISBN: 0803959958. McMurray, B., M. Tanenhaus, and R. Aslin. “Gradient Effects of Within-category Phonetic Variation on Lexical Access.” Cognition 86, no. 2202(2002): B33-B42. Allopenna, P., J. Magnuson, and M. Tanenhaus. “Tracking the Time Course of Spoken Word Recognition Using Eye Movements: Evidence for Continuous Mapping Models.” Journal of Memory and Language 38 (1998): 419-439. Kuhl, P. “Early Language Acquisition: Cracking the Speech Code.” Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5 (2004): 831-843. Pierrehumbert, J. “Phonetic Diversity, Statistical Learning, and Acquisition of Phonology.” Language and Speech 46, no. 2-3 (2003): 115-154. |
24 | Language and Thought |
Gentner, D., and S. Goldin-Meadow, eds. “Whither Whorf?” In Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought. Cambridge, MA; MIT Press, 2003, pp. 3-14. ISBN: 0262571633. Witthoft, N., J. Winnauer, L. Wu, M. Frank, A. Wade, and L. Boroditsky. “Effects of Language on Color Discriminability.” Proceedings of the 25th meeting of the Cognitive Science society, 2003. Gilbert, A., T. Regier, P. Kay, and R. Ivry. “Whorf Hypothesis is Supported in the Right Visual Field but not the Left.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (2006): 489-494. Li, P., and L. Gleitman. “Turning the Tables: Language and Spatial Reasoning.” Cognition 83, no. 3 (2002): 265-294. Boroditsky, L., L. Schmidt, and W. Phillips. “Sex, Syntax, and Semantics.” In Language in Mind: Advances in the study of Language and Thought. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. ISBN: 0262571633. Perfors, A. “What’s in a Name? The Effect of Sound Symbolism on Perception of Facial Attractiveness.” Poster presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Chicago, Illinois, 2004. Levinson, S., S. Kita, D. Haun, and B. Rasch. “Returning the Tables: Language Affects Spatial Reasoning.” Cognition 84, no. 2 (2002): 155-188. |
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