CMS.876 | Spring 2005 | Graduate

History of Media and Technology


Ses # Topics readings

Lec 1


Talbot, David. “How Tech Failed in Iraq.” MIT Technology Review.

Lab 1

Doctor Strangelove

Screening: Kubrick, Stanley. Doctor Strangelove.

Lec 2

Fictions of War, Philosophy of War, History of War

Orwell, George. 1984. Book One. New York, NY: Signet Classic, pp. 1-104. ISBN: 9780451524935. (Required Book)

Tzu, Sun. Art of War. Translated by Lionel Giles. Sections I-VIII, The Internet Classics Archive.

Thucydides. “Outbreak of War.” In History of the Peloponnesian War. Penguin Classics. Book II, pp. 124-193.

Van Creveld, Martin. Technology and War: From 2000 B.C. to the Present. New York, NY: Free Press, 1989, Chapters 1-3 (pp. 9-50), chapter 5 (pp. 67-78). ISBN: 9780029331514.

Lab 2


Air Force

Screening: Kurosawa. Ran. 1985.

Hawks. Air Force. 1943.

Lec 3

WWII: Code Wars

Stephenson, Neal. Cryptonomicon. New York, NY: Avon, 2002, pp. 77-92, 143-183, 215-294, 315-364. ISBN: 9780060512804.

Singh, Simon. The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1999, Chapters 3-6 (pp. 101-292). ISBN: 9780385495318.

Van Creveld, Martin. Technology and War: From 2000 B.C. to the Present. New York, NY: Free Press, 1989, Chapters 16-18 (pp. 235-283).. ISBN: 9780029331514.

Hardt, Michael, and Antonio Negri. Multitude. New York, NY: The Penguin Press, pp. 12-62, notes: pp. 361-369.

Lab 3


Screening: Katsuhiro ’tomo. _Akira.
Arquilla, John, and David Ronfeldt. “Cyberwar is Coming!” pp. 24-50.

Weiguang, Shen. “Information War - A New Challenge.” pp. 84-95.

Kittler, Friedrich. “On the History of the Theory of Information Warfare.” pp. 266-272.

From: Infowar, Ars Electronica Center (Springer Wien/New York).

Lab 4

Rumsfeld’s War

Screening: Frontline: Rumsfeld’s War. PBS, 2004.

Lec 5

The New War Machines

Guest Speaker: Owen Cote, Associate Director of Security Studies at MIT

Cote, Owen. “The New War Machines.” MIT Technology Review (March 21, 2003).

Lab 5

Eternal War Research Topics: Discussion of Final Papers and Projects

Control Room

Screening: Noujaim, Jehane. Control Room. 2004.

Lec 6

History of War Technologies/War Games

DeLanda, Manuel. War in the Age of Intelligent Machines. New York, NY: Zone Books. ISBN: 9780942299755. (Required Book)

Van Creveld, Martin. Technology and War: From 2000 B.C. to the Present. New York, NY: Free Press, 1989, Chapters 1-3 (pp. 9-50), chapter 5 (pp. 67-78), chapters 12-13 (pp. 167-199). ISBN: 9780029331514.

Lab 6

War Games

Screening: Badham, John. War Games.

Secrets of War: Spy Games of World War II. 1998.

America’s Army (Web Game)

Patriot Act (Web)

War Against Terror (Web)

Author Dilip Hiro On Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Collapse of American Power in the Middle East.” Democracy Now. Thursday, February 12, 2004.

Lec 7

First-Person Shooters

Haldeman, Joe. The Forever War. Eos.

Herr, Michael. “Hell Sucks.” In Dispatches. Reprint edition. New York, NY: Avon, 1978, pp. 70-85. ISBN: 9780380019762.

Tesanovic, Jasmina. The Diary of a Political Idiot: Normal Life in Belgrade. San Francisco, CA: Cleis Press, 2000, pp. 71-112. ISBN: 9781573441148.

Wright, Evan. Generation Kill: Devil Dogs, Iceman, Captain America, and the New Face of American War. New York, NY: Putnam, 2004, Chapters 7-11, pp. 71-123. ISBN: 9780399151934.

Lab 7

 The Fog of War

Screening: Morris, Erol. The Fog of War.

Lec 8

Virtuous War

Guest Speaker: James der Derian

der Derian, James. Virtuous War: Mapping the Military-Industiral-Media-Entertainment Network. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2001, pp. 22-249. ISBN: 9780813397948.

Silberman, Steve. “The War Room.” Wired (September 2004): 150-155, 171-173.

Virilio, Paul, and Sylvere Lotringer. Pure War. Semiotext(e) Foreign Agent Series. Chapters 1-3, pp. 9-36.

Lab 8

Virtual War

After 9/11

Wag the Dog

Levinson, Barry. Wag the Dog.

Screening: der Derian. After 9/11.

Lec 9

Man Machines: Race and War

Guest Speakers: Director Reggie Hudlin and Comic Artist Kyle Baker, Birth of a Nation Comic Book Project

Truth Series. Marvel Comics.

Adas, Michael. Machines as the Measure of Men. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, pp. 343-401.

Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel. New York, NY: Norton, 1999, chapter 13, pp. 239-264. ISBN: 9780393317558.

Lab 9

Birth of a Nation and Hearts of the World

Screening: Griffith, D. W. Birth of a Nation and Hearts of the World. 1918.

Lec 10

21 Century War: The War in Iraq and the Branding of Terrorism

Sante, Luc. “Tourists and Torturers.” New York Times, May 11, 2004.

Hiro, Dilip. War Without End: The Rise of Islamist Terrorism and the Global Response. New York, NY: Routledge.

“The Rise of Islam,” pp. 3-24.

“Islamist Terrorism and Global Response.” pp. 267-434.

Agamben, Giorgio. “We Refugees.”

Black, Edwin. Banking on Baghdad: Inside Iraq’s 7,000-Year History of War, Profit, and Conflict. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 2004, chapters 13-17, pp. 211-352. ISBN: 9780471671862.

Van Creveld, Martin. Technology and War: From 2000 B.C. to the Present. Chapters 19-Conclusion, pp. 285-320.

Michael, John. “Beyond Us and Them: Identity and Terror from an Arab American’s Perspective.” The South Atlantic Quarterly 102, no. 4 (Fall 2003): 701-728.

Lab 10

Battle of Algiers

Screening: Battle of Algiers.

Lec 11

Project Presentations


Lab 11

Project Presentations (cont.)


Lec 12

Project Presentations (cont.)


Lab 12

Project Presentations (cont.)


Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2005
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments