12.307 | Spring 2009 | Undergraduate

Weather and Climate Laboratory


Projects based on the use of real-time meteorological observations stress the analysis and dynamical interpretation of weather and climate phenomena. These are complemented by rotating tank experiments, which offer the possibility of using a controlled laboratory environment to plan an experiment, explain ideas to be tested, observe and record the data.

The projects are introduced by means of written assignments and by brief introductory lectures, explaining the underlying physical and dynamical ideas. The lecture component is minimal with emphasis on the planning and discussion of each project by the students themselves.

Oral Presentations

At the end of each project students are required to present their results orally to the whole class. It is our intent to give students not only an opportunity to develop oral presentation skills but also a chance to discuss results with their peers.

Project Reports

Each of the four projects are to be written up in separate reports by each student. The preparation of the report is an iterative process - we expect you to prepare an initial version during and shortly after the completion of each project. This is handed in for comments and revised iteratively throughout the semester.

Guidelines on oral presentations and project reports (PDF)

Rubric for project reports (PDF)

Project Pages

There are four projects each of which takes approximately 3 weeks to complete:

Project 1: Mass and Wind

Project 2: Fronts

Project 3: Convection

Project 4: General Circulation

Some of the project pages link to the “Weather in a Tank” Web site, an NSF-funded project in which curricular materials that combine atmospheric data and laboratory fluid experiments are being developed in the teaching of meteorology, oceanography and climate at the undergraduate level.

The purpose of this project is to study, using meteorological observations and laboratory experiments, the relation between the wind field and the mass field in a rotating system. In part I we explore the relationship in laboratory experiments; in part II atmospheric observations of intense cyclones and hurricanes are used.

Project Description (PDF)

Tank Experiments

- Detailed description of the radial inflow tank experiment, together with associated theory. (PDF)

- View recordings of the Balanced Vortex Experiment at the Weather in a Tank Web site

- Look at the following experiment on Ekman Layers to visualize the impact of surface friction on the balance of forces.

- Notes on relevant theory: Lecture Notes from Course 12.003 (Physics of Atmospheres and Oceans) - Chapter 6 — The equations of fluid motion (PDF - 1.2 MB)

Atmospheric Data

Hurricane Case Studies

Hurricane Katrina (Aug'05): [NASA-EO](http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=15399
), NCDC 
Super-typhoon Ioke (Sept'06): [NASA-EO](http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=6914
Hurricane Dean (Aug 07): NCDC, [NASA-EO](http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=18889

Hurricane Bertha (Jul 08): [NASA-EO](http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=20209

Surface winds from scatterometer imagery

Choose an hurricane case from the Scatterometer Imagery of Historical Storms and: 
1. Plot the surface winds at different times along the path of the hurricane. 
2. Choose a specific time and download the wind data to compute the Rossby number in function of radius - See Instructions 
3. Discuss how the hurricane data compare to the radial inflow experiment.

Upper Air Analyses and Geostrophic/ageostrophic Flow

Read here for notes on geostrophic balance and on hydrostatic balance. (PDF 1) (PDF 2)


GDPLOT should be used to plot the height and wind from a regional analysis over the US.

Use GDPLOT_surf to plot the surface analyzed wind and pressure.

In this project, we inspect fronts crossing the country associated with day-to-day variations in the weather using real-time atmospheric observations. In the laboratory we create fronts by allowing salty (and hence dense) columns of water to collapse under rotation and gravity. We discover that the observed changes in winds and temperature across our laboratory and atmospheric fronts is consistent with Margule’s formula (a discrete form of the thermal wind equation) and see that the dynamical balance at work in the atmosphere is the same as in the density fronts created in the rotating tank.

Project Description (PDF)

Notes on relevant theory: thermal wind (PDF)

Tank Experiments

You can read about the experiment in the Weather in a Tank project: Fronts: An Introduction

Atmospheric Data

Relevant Notes at the Weather in a Tank Web site: The Polar Front and Synoptic-scale Fronts

Polar Front

Mean fields: Use climatological data to verify thermal wind balance across the polar front.

  • Use the MATLAB script (M) to compute the temperature gradient and vertical wind shear.

Mid-latitude cyclones and the polar front

Instantaneous fields

  1. Plot the 500 mb temperature over the Northern Hemisphere, using GDCNTR (area: nhem)

  2. Using the same date, plot the Southern Hemisphere 500 mb temperature: using GDCNTR (area: shem)

  3. Compare your plots to the appropriate satellite image

Satellite Images (Polar view)

Warm and cold fronts

  1. Find the corresponding Surface Analysis
  • Suggested dates: 11/22/07 (18z), 2/6/08 (18z), 3/2/08 (18z), 12/15/08 (00z), 3/11/09 (00z)
  1. Plot the 850 mb temperature using GDCNTR
  • Suggested changes — GDFILE: regional, GLEVEL: 850, GFUNC: tmpc, CINT: 2
  • To zoom in, pick state in the center of interest – enter the state abbreviation in GAREA with a dash at the end, e.g. MA - (the dash is to zoom out)
  1. Using gdcross might be helpful in determining the slope of the front, - gfunc=hght; cint=200 (height is in meters)

Other links:

In this project we enquire in to the nature of the convective process. We will simulate convection in the laboratory using a tank of water with a heating pad at its base and study convection in the atmosphere using thermodynamic diagrams.

Project Description (PDF)

Notes on relevant theory:

Convection of an incompressible fluid (PDF)

Convection in a compressible atmosphere (PDF)

Tank Experiment

A description of the Convection Experiment can be found at the Weather in a Tank Web site

Atmospheric Data

Dry convection

Example: Aberdeen, SD July 15-16, 2006 - Surface Map

Case Study: Yuma, AZ June 18, 2007 - see Surface Map


  • Altitude, Pressure, Temperature, and Dew Point data every two hours 
  • Station surface data including incoming solar radiation 

Create your own plots:

Moist convection

Example: Tallahassee, FL, April 14, 2008

Case Study: Charleston, SC April 13, 2008

Other links:

In this final project, we draw together some of the ideas explored in Projects 1, 2, and 3 and apply them to study, using atmospheric data and a rotating annulus, aspects of the general circulation of the atmosphere.

Project Description (PDF)

Notes on relevant theory:

Lecture Notes from course 12.003 (Physics of Atmospheres and Oceans) - Chapter 5: The Meridional Structure of the Atmosphere — temperature, pressure, moisture and winds (PDF - 4.1 MB)

Lecture Notes from course 12.003 (Physics of Atmospheres and Oceans) - Chapter 8: The General Circulation of the atmosphere — Hadley and middle latitudes circulation-heat and momentum budget (PDF - 1.5 MB)

For an introduction to General Circulation can be found at the Weather in a Tank Web site

Atmospheric Data

Hadley cell

Eddy heat transport

Other links:

ESRL climate

IRI/LDEO Climatology (NCEP Reanalysis)

Climate data (from OORT dataset)

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Activity Assignments