Course Description
12.524 is a survey of the mechanical behavior of rocks in natural geologic situations. Topics will include a brief survey of field evidence of rock deformation, physics of plastic deformation in minerals, brittle fracture and sliding, and pressure-solution processes. We will compare results of field petrologic and …
12.524 is a survey of the mechanical behavior of rocks in natural geologic situations. Topics will include a brief survey of field evidence of rock deformation, physics of plastic deformation in minerals, brittle fracture and sliding, and pressure-solution processes. We will compare results of field petrologic and structural studies to data from experimental structural geology.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets
![Sheared quartzite thin section.](/courses/12-524-mechanical-properties-of-rocks-fall-2005/9777dd84e86b209896db6e664ae6575b_12-524f05.jpg)
A thin section of sheared quartzite under crossed polarized light. (Image Courtesy of Brian Evans.)