

An early design (left) and prototype (right) of a pediatric extendable prosthesis developed by a student team in the class. In the drawing, rings grasp notches in the prosthesis to restrict movement. The team chose to prototype a saw-tooth design by cutting an oil-filled nylon rod into two pieces with a water jet. Images courtesy of Cindy Oh, Deema Totah, and Nadya Peek.

Alt text:
A drawing and a photo of a prototype showing different designs for a pediatric prosthetic device.
An early design (left) and prototype (right) of a pediatric extendable prosthesis developed by a student team in the class. In the drawing, rings grasp notches in the prosthesis to restrict movement. The team chose to prototype a saw-tooth design by cutting an oil-filled nylon rod into two pieces with a water jet. (Images courtesy of Cindy Oh, Deema Totah, and Nadya Peek.)
Images courtesy of Cindy Oh, Deema Totah, and Nadya Peek.
A drawing and a photo of a prototype showing different designs for a pediatric prosthetic device.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2010
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Projects with Examples
Presentation Assignments
Written Assignments