Labs: Lab 1 | Lab 3 | Lab 4 | Lab 5 | Lab 6 | Lab 7 | Lab 9
Projects: Lecture 10 | Lab 10 | Lecture 12 | Lab 11 | Lab 12 - Color Organ | Lab 12 - Sunflower
The teaching assistant helps a student choose the appropiate cut-off frequency for a low pass filter.
A student applies a sine wave signal to his circuit.
Two students discuss various designs.
Two students brainstorm possible implementations of their idea.
Student calculates theoretical resistance values.
The teaching assistant reviews the non-ideal amplifier model.
A student visualizes the expected output of a 555 timer circuit.
Students ask various questions to their teaching assistant.
An oscilloscope displays the sinusoidal waveform of a whistling sound.
A student works on his Color Organ final project.
Preliminary circuitry to be used in the Sunflower final project.
A student draws a circuit schematic for his final project.