Course Description
This course will serve as a two-week aggressively gentle introduction to programming for those students who lack background in the field. Specifically targeted at students with little or no programming experience, the course seeks to reach students who intend to take 6.001 and feel they would struggle because they lack …
This course will serve as a two-week aggressively gentle introduction to programming for those students who lack background in the field. Specifically targeted at students with little or no programming experience, the course seeks to reach students who intend to take 6.001 and feel they would struggle because they lack the necessary background. The main focus of the subject will be acquiring programming experience: instruction in programming fundamentals coupled with lots of practice problems. Lots of programming required, but lots of support provided.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Exams with Solutions
Lecture Notes
Programming Assignments with Examples

MIT/GNU Scheme Logo. (Image courtesy of Harold Abelson and Gerald Sussman.)