6.301 | Fall 2010 | Graduate

Solid-State Circuits


Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1 hour / session

Recitations: 2 sessions / week, 1 hour / session


6.301 uses the semiconductor physics and transistor circuit models developed in 6.012 for the analysis and design of transistor circuits. Thus 6.012 is the official prerequisite. However, permission is sometimes granted to certain highly self-motivated students to substitute 6.101, take 6.012 as a corequisite, or simply take 6.301 without 6.012.

Since 6.003 is a corequisite for 6.012, it is also a necessary prerequisite for 6.301. We will make extensive use of Bode plots, Laplace transforms, circuit transfer functions, and complex-impedance methods.

Reading Material

We recommend the following texts:

Lundberg, Kent. Become One With the Transistor. Unpublished, 2010.

Pease, Robert. Troubleshooting Analog Circuits. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991. ISBN: 9780750694995.

Grebene, Alan. Bipolar and MOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design. Wiley, 2002. ISBN: 9780471430780.

Gray, Paul R., Paul Hurst, Stephen Lewis, and Robert Meyer. Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits. 5th ed. Wiley, 2009. ISBN: 9780470245996.

Gray, Paul E., and Campbell Searle. Electronic Principles: Physics, Models, and Circuits. Wiley, 1969. Out of print.

There is no required textbook. Dr. Lundberg’s notes will be the primary text for the subject. These notes are not available on MIT OpenCourseWare.

You should find the other references helpful and may want to purchase one or more of them.

Grading Policy

Lab 1 10%
Lab 2 20%
Design problem 10%
Problem sets 10%
Midterm quiz 20%
Final exam 30%


You will have two laboratory projects during the term. You will analyze, build, and test several circuits of your own design. Laboratory work must be done individually. You will be expected to complete the assignment and then demonstrate your mastery of the material in an individual check-off interview that will be scheduled with the teaching assistants.

We believe real laboratory experience is extremely important for truly learning the art of design. Some previous laboratory work (the use of function generators and oscilloscopes) is assumed.

Design Problem

The design problem will involve the design, analysis, and simulation of a complex analog system. No laboratory work will be required.

Problem Sets

Problem sets will be issued in recitation on Friday and will be due in recitation on the following Friday. Please start early on the problem sets. Solutions will be handed out in recitation.

Quizzes and Final Exam

There will be a midterm quiz given after Lec #12. A three-hour comprehensive examination will be scheduled during the final exam period.

The midterm quiz and the final are likely to include questions about material from the lectures, recitations, problem sets, labs and reading.

Academic Honesty

You are encouraged to collaborate with others on the solution of problem sets. We believe that there is much to be gained when learning is a shared experience, provided that everyone in the group participates. If you do collaborate on problem sets, the final work you hand in should be your own and you should acknowledge (by including their names) others with whom you have worked. If you use other sources (reference books), they should also be acknowledged.

It is immature and dishonest to copy the work of others (like an old solution or a friend’s solution) and submit it as if it were your own. Since problems serve to guide you to develop the skills needed in this subject and your future career, not to do the work yourself is foolish; you will fail the quizzes and exam.

Of course, the laboratory projects, the design problem, the midterm quiz, and the final are to be worked strictly on your own.

Plagiarism or other forms of cheating are intellectually and personally dishonest. Such dishonesty is a severe breach of the Institute’s communal standards, as well as those of the engineering profession. Infractions will be dealt with severely.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2010
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets