Unit 1: Linear Differential Equations
Week 1
Class 1: Topic 1: Introduction to Differential Equations
Class 2: Topic 1: Introduction to Differential Equations (cont.)
Class 3: Recitation 1
Class 4: Topic 2: Linear Systems
Class 5: Topic 3: Input Response
Week 2
Problem set 1 due
Class 6: Topic 4: Complex Numbers
Class 7: Topic 4: Complex Numbers (cont.)
Class 8: Recitation 2
Class 9: Topic 5: Homogeneous, Linear, and Constant Coefficient DEs
Class 10 Topic 5: Homogeneous, Linear, and Constant Coefficient DEs (cont.)
Week 3
Problem set 2 due
Class 11: Quiz 1 (Topics 1–3)
Class 12: Recitation 3
Class 13: Topic 6: Operators, Inhomogeneous DEs, ERF, and SRF
Class 14: Topic 6: Operators, Inhomogeneous DEs, ERF, and SRF (cont.)
Week 4
Problem set 3 due
Class 15: Topic 7: Polynomial Input
Class 16: Topic 8: Stability
Class 17: Recitation 4
Class 18: Topic 9: Engineering Language: Input, Gain, and Phase Lag
Class 19: Topic 9: Engineering Language: Input, Gain, and Phase Lag (cont.)
Week 5
Problem set 4 due
Class 20: Quiz 2 (Topics 4–8)
Class 21: Topic 9: Engineering Language: Input, Gain, and Phase Lag (cont.)
Class 22: Recitation 5
Unit 2: First-Order Differential Equations
Class 23: Topic 10: Graphical Methods: Direction Fields and Integral Curves
Class 24: Topic 11: Numerical Methods for \(y’=f(x,y)\)
Week 6
Class 25: Topic 12: Autonomous Systems
Class 26: Topic 12: Autonomous Systems (cont.)
Class 27: Recitation 6
Class 28: Quiz 3 (Topics 9)
Unit 3: Linear Algebra
Class 29: Topic 13: Linear Algebra
Week 7
Problem set 5 due
Class 30: Topic 14: Row Reduction
Class 31: Topic 14: Row Reduction (cont.)
Class 32: Recitation 7
Class 33: Topic 15: Inverse, Determinant, and Transpose
Class 34: Topic 16: Eigenstuff
Week 8
Problem set 6 due
Class 35: Topic 16: Eigenstuff (cont.)
Class 36: Topic 17: Matrix Methods for DEs
Class 37: Recitation 8
Class 38: Topic 17: Matrix Methods for DEs (cont.)
Unit 4: Impulses, Fourier Series, Partial Differential Equations
Class 39: Topic 20: Step and Delta Functions
Week 9
Class 40: [no class]
Class 41: Topic 20: Delta Functions (cont.)
Class 42: Quiz 4 (Topics 13–17)
Class 43: Topic 21: Fourier Series
Class 44: Topic 21: Fourier Series (cont.)
Week 10
Problem set 7 due
Class 45: Topic 22: Fourier Series (cont.)
Class 46: Recitation 10
Class 47: Topic 23: Computation Tricks, Sine and Cosine Series
Class 48: Review and Catch up
Week 11
Class 49: Topic 24: \(P(D)x=\) periodic
Class 50: Topic 25: PDEs
Class 51: Recitation 11
Class 52: Quiz 5 (Topics 20–23)
Class 53: Topic 26: PDEs (cont.)
Unit 5: Qualitative Descriptions of Systems
Week 12
Problem set 8 due
Class 54: Topic 27: Linear Phase Portraits
Class 55: Topic 27: Linear Phase Portraits (cont.)
Class 56: Recitation 12
Class 57: Topic 28: Nonlinear Systems
Class 58: Review and Catch-Up
Week 13
Class 59: Topic 29: Structural Stability
Class 60: Topic 30: Population Models
Class 61: Recitation 13
Class 62: Quiz 6 (Topics 24–26)
Class 63: Review
Week 14
Problem set 9 [not to be turned in]
Class 64: Review
Class 65: Review
Class 66: Recitation 14
Week 15 (Final Exam Week)
Quiz 7 (four problems from unit 1, four problems from unit 5, and two problems of your choice from units 2, 3, or 4)