ES.1803 | Spring 2024 | Undergraduate

Differential Equations


Unit 1: Linear Differential Equations

Week 1

Class 1: Topic 1: Introduction to Differential Equations 

Class 2: Topic 1: Introduction to Differential Equations (cont.)

Class 3: Recitation 1

Class 4: Topic 2: Linear Systems 

Class 5: Topic 3: Input Response 

Week 2

Problem set 1 due

Class 6: Topic 4: Complex Numbers 

Class 7: Topic 4: Complex Numbers (cont.)

Class 8: Recitation 2

Class 9: Topic 5: Homogeneous, Linear, and Constant Coefficient DEs 

Class 10 Topic 5: Homogeneous, Linear, and Constant Coefficient DEs (cont.)

Week 3

Problem set 2 due

Class 11: Quiz 1 (Topics 1–3)

Class 12: Recitation 3

Class 13: Topic 6: Operators, Inhomogeneous DEs, ERF, and SRF

Class 14: Topic 6: Operators, Inhomogeneous DEs, ERF, and SRF (cont.)

Week 4

Problem set 3 due

Class 15: Topic 7: Polynomial Input

Class 16: Topic 8: Stability

Class 17: Recitation 4

Class 18: Topic 9: Engineering Language: Input, Gain, and Phase Lag

Class 19: Topic 9: Engineering Language: Input, Gain, and Phase Lag (cont.)

Week 5

Problem set 4 due

Class 20: Quiz 2 (Topics 4–8) 

Class 21: Topic 9: Engineering Language: Input, Gain, and Phase Lag (cont.)

Class 22: Recitation 5

Unit 2: First-Order Differential Equations

Class 23: Topic 10: Graphical Methods: Direction Fields and Integral Curves

Class 24: Topic 11: Numerical Methods for \(y’=f(x,y)\) 

Week 6

Class 25: Topic 12: Autonomous Systems

Class 26: Topic 12: Autonomous Systems (cont.) 

Class 27: Recitation 6

Class 28: Quiz 3 (Topics 9)

Unit 3: Linear Algebra

Class 29: Topic 13: Linear Algebra

Week 7

Problem set 5 due

Class 30: Topic 14: Row Reduction

Class 31: Topic 14: Row Reduction (cont.)

Class 32: Recitation 7

Class 33: Topic 15: Inverse, Determinant, and Transpose

Class 34: Topic 16: Eigenstuff

Week 8

Problem set 6 due

Class 35: Topic 16: Eigenstuff (cont.)

Class 36: Topic 17: Matrix Methods for DEs

Class 37: Recitation 8

Class 38: Topic 17: Matrix Methods for DEs (cont.)

Unit 4: Impulses, Fourier Series, Partial Differential Equations

Class 39: Topic 20: Step and Delta Functions

Week 9

Class 40: [no class]

Class 41: Topic 20: Delta Functions (cont.)

Class 42: Quiz 4 (Topics 13–17)

Class 43: Topic 21: Fourier Series

Class 44: Topic 21: Fourier Series (cont.)

Week 10

Problem set 7 due

Class 45: Topic 22: Fourier Series (cont.)

Class 46: Recitation 10

Class 47: Topic 23: Computation Tricks, Sine and Cosine Series

Class 48: Review and Catch up

Week 11

Class 49: Topic 24: \(P(D)x=\) periodic

Class 50: Topic 25: PDEs

Class 51: Recitation 11

Class 52: Quiz 5 (Topics 20–23)

Class 53: Topic 26: PDEs (cont.)

Unit 5: Qualitative Descriptions of Systems

Week 12

Problem set 8 due

Class 54: Topic 27: Linear Phase Portraits

Class 55: Topic 27:  Linear Phase Portraits (cont.)

Class 56: Recitation 12

Class 57: Topic 28: Nonlinear Systems

Class 58: Review and Catch-Up

Week 13

Class 59: Topic 29: Structural Stability

Class 60: Topic 30: Population Models

Class 61: Recitation 13

Class 62: Quiz 6 (Topics 24–26)

Class 63: Review

Week 14

Problem set 9 [not to be turned in]

Class 64: Review

Class 65: Review

Class 66: Recitation 14

Week 15 (Final Exam Week)

Quiz 7 (four problems from unit 1, four problems from unit 5, and two problems of your choice from units 2, 3, or 4)

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2024
Learning Resource Types
Online Textbook
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets with Solutions
Exams with Solutions