ESD.342 | Spring 2006 | Graduate

Advanced System Architecture



This network map depicts the research collaboration connections, or “neighborhood,” for a contributor to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). See the the student case study “Team Structure in Climate Change Research” in the projects page. (Image courtesy of Travis Franck, Robert Nicol, and Jaemin Song. Used with permission.)

Alt text:
Diagram showing clusters of social connections among researchers.
This network map depicts the research collaboration connections, or “neighborhood,” for a contributor to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). See the the student case study “Team Structure in Climate Change Research” in the projects page. (Image courtesy of Travis Franck, Robert Nicol, and Jaemin Song. Used with permission.)
Diagram showing clusters of social connections among researchers.

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Projects with Examples
Activity Assignments with Examples
Written Assignments