21G.504 | Spring 2020 | Undergraduate

Japanese IV

Interview Tests

Interview Test Grading Rubrics

Criteria Ratings Points

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome; task completion

16.0 pts すばらしい

Completed the tasks successfully by giving fully developed responses. Expanded the conversation whenever applicable.

15.0 pts よくできた

Completed the tasks successfully. Responses were developed fully most of the time. Responded appropriately when asked questions.

14.0 pts できた

Completed the tasks but with some difficulty. Responded appropriately when asked questions.

13.0 pts がんばろう

Unable to complete some of the tasks because of limited responses. Responded with minimum speech to questions.

12.0 pts もっとがんばろう

Did not complete the tasks. Responses were poorly developed.


Interactional skills

16.0 pts すばらしい

Demonstrated excellent interactional skills as a conversation partner, such as taking turns to take initiative to speak and using back channeling (aizuchi) smoothly and effectively.

15.0 pts よくできた

Demonstrated very good interactional skills, such as taking turns to take initiative to speak and using back channeling (aizuchi), but used them less effectively.

14.0 pts できた

Demonstrated good interactional skills but sometimes a little more engagement in the conversation was needed. Task completed with the student’s initiative most of the time but sometimes with the partner’s cues.

13.0 pts がんばろう

Often lacked eagerness and engagement in the conversation. Task completed with the partner’s initiative most of the time.

12.0 pts もっとがんばろう

Inappropriate and ineffective attitude as a conversation partner. Unable to use conversational strategies.


Accuracy of grammar and vocabulary

16.0 pts すばらしい

Easily understood, with almost no errors. Used けい語 accurately and appropriately.

15.0 pts よくできた

Very good accuracy. Made a few minor mistakes that did not interfere with communication. Used けい語 appropriately and accurately most of the time.

14.0 pts できた

Made several minor errors in grammar, vocabulary and けい語 but mostly understandable.

13.0 pts がんばろう

Often hard to understand because of structural problems and inaccurate use of vocabulary and けい語.

12.0 pts もっとがんばろう

Hard to understand because of many major problems. Communication is misleading.


Variety of grammar and vocabulary

16.0 pts すばらしい

Used rich and extensive vocabulary and complex sentence structures.

15.0 pts よくできた

Good use of vocabulary and sentence structure.

14.0 pts できた

Some attempt to incorporate a variety of vocabulary words and sentence structures but lacked complexity.

13.0 pts がんばろう

Often lacked needed words and complex sentence structures.

12.0 pts もっとがんばろう

Used only limited vocabulary. Sentences were very short and repetitive.



12.0 pts すばらしい

Exhibited natural and continuous speech.

11.0 pts よくできた

Natural and continuous speech with minor hesitations, repetitions and pauses.

10.0 pts できた

Some stumbling, but managed to rephrase or continue.

9.0 pts がんばろう

Speech was often interrupted with stumbling and pauses.

8.0 pts もっとがんばろう

Excessive hesitations and pauses; sentences were sometimes left uncompleted.


Pronunciation and intonation

12.0 pts すばらしい

Clear and accurate pronunciation.

11.0 pts よくできた

A few errors but overall clear speech.

10.0 pts できた

Understandable but with some errors.

9.0 pts がんばろう

Unable to complete some of the tasks because of limited responses. Responded with minimum speech to questions.

8.0 pts もっとがんばろう

Very hard to understand.


Listening comprehension

12.0 pts すばらしい

Fully understood the questions asked and answered correctly and instantly.

11.0 pts よくできた

Understood most of the questions correctly but sometimes got it wrong /  questions had to be repeated sometimes.

10.0 pts できた

Got the questions wrong several times / questions had to be repeated often.

9.0 pts がんばろう

Got the questions wrong many times /  most questions had to be repeated.

8.0 pts もっとがんばろう

Needs to practice listening more.


Total Points: 72.0–100.0

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