21G.108 | Spring 2015 | Undergraduate

Chinese II (Streamlined)


The curriculum in this course is divided into six modules. The following tables summarize the assignments and In-class activities in each module. Each assignment referenced in the table is available in the Study Materials section, except the audio files. These files are not provided here due to copyright restrictions.

Module 1—Sessions 1–7

Module 2—Sessions 8–14

Module 3—Sessions 15–21

Module 4—Sessions 22–27

Module 5—Sessions 28–33

Module 6—Sessions 34–38

Instructions on Lingt Speaking Assignments

To complete the speaking assignments on Lingt, you will use the textbook of A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese: Da Xue Yu Wen. Columbia University Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780231123839 following the instructions provided below.

First, read the text from each assigned lesson in the textbook. You are welcome to add your own opinions about the text in addition to your reading.

Grading Criteria

  • Pronunciation
  • Fluency

Using Lingt

  1. On the upper right corner of the assignment page, you can find “Microphone.” Choose the mic you would like to use. Your choice will Only affect the new record bubbles, so it is very important that you choose an appropriate mic before you start recording anything.
  2. Click bubble to do the recording. When you are done with recording, click the bubble again. To listen, just click the bubble again. If you are unsatisfied with what you have recorded, click the cross to the right of the bubble to start over again.
  3. When you are done recording, click on the button “Submit.” You will be prompted to enter your name (Please Enter Your Chinese Name In Pinyin and Your Section) and e-mail address when you submit your recording. They are collected so that the instructor may e-mail you the URL to your recording.

Submit your assignments on time. Late submissions submitted within 2 days of the due date receive half credit. Submission after 2 days of the due date receives no credit.

Lingt Assignment 1: Read the text of Lesson 11 in [PC].

Lingt Assignment 2: Read the text of Lesson 12 in [PC].

Lingt Assignment 3: Read the text of Lesson 13 in [PC].

Lingt Assignment 4: Read the text of Lesson 14 in [PC].

Lingt Assignment 5: Read the text of Lesson 15 in [PC].

Lingt Assignment 6: Read the text of Lesson 16 in [PC].

Lingt Assignment 7: Read the text of Lesson 17 in [PC].

Lingt Assignment 8: Read the text of Lesson 18 in [PC].

Lingt Assignment 9: Read the text of Lesson 19 in [PC].

Lingt Assignment 10: Read the text of Lesson 20 in [PC].

[PC] = A simplified character version: Li, Duanduan. A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese, Simplified Character: Vol 2. (_Daxue Yuwen / 大學語文/大学语文). Columbia University Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780231135856; or A Complex character version: Li, Duanduan, et al. A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese Vol 2. (Daxue Yuwen _/ 大學語文/大学语文). Columbia University Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780231125574.

Each assignment or any additional files referenced in the table is available in the Study Materials section, except the audio files. These files are not provided here due to copyright restrictions.

To complete writing assignments, please write on every other line and leave 1.25-inch margins for each piece of paper you use if you do not use the calligraphy grid.

1 Welcome Aboard

  • Course Introduction.
  • What is your name?
  • How do you write a Chinese essay?

Preview [PC] Lesson 11:

Check Lingt Speaking Assignment One and complete it before the class.

  1. Read “Grammatical Points” and “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 10–13.
  2. Study the Vocabulary on pp. 2–4 (listen to the audio file.) Learn the Lesson 11 required characters by heart (check Appendix II on pp. 239–41 for character stroke order). Make sure you know the other Lesson 11 characters by sight.
  3. Read the text on pp. 5–6 (listen to the audio file).

Write on your book the answers to the questions in the exercises on pp. 5 and 7–8.

  1. Read Dialogue on pp. 8–9 (listen to the audio file).

Browse the web pages on Shengxiao, 农历网 or 生肖星座网 Do they apply to yourself or your family members? In what way?

FYI: Copy and paste a text into the Chinese Annotation Tool (find it in the Tools / Resources section), and you are one click away from the fully glossed text.

  • 10 true-or false questions on Lesson 11 text and dialogue.
  • Lesson 11 text.
  • Lesson 11 Dialogue.

Writing Assignments:

  1. Handwrite a coherent paragraph with all the entries from “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 12–13 on a piece paper and hand them in in class.
  2. (Handwrite) Writing exercise on p. 17. Pay special attention to the over-all structure. No less than 180 characters.

  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Lesson 11 grammar.
  • Lesson 11 exercises on pp. 14–18.

Preview [PC] Lesson 12:

Check Lingt Speaking Assignment Two and complete it before the class.

  1. Read “Grammatical Points” and “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 28–29.
  2. Study the Vocabulary on pp. 20–22 (listen to the audio files). Learn the Lesson 12 required characters by heart (check Appendix II on pp. 242–4 for character stroke order). Make sure you know the other Lesson 12 characters by sight.
  3. Read the text on pp. 23–24 (listen to the audio files). Write on your book the answer to the questions in the exercises on pp. 23 and 25.
  4. Read Dialogue on pp. 26–27 (listen to the audio files).

Browse the web pages on Spring Festival Customs or the Traditional Character website Does your family practice these customs? Study Lesson 11 required characters.

  • Quiz: Dictation of Lesson 11 required characters.
  • 10 true-or false questions on Lesson 12 text and dialogue.
  • Lesson 12 text
    Lesson 12 Dialogue.

Writing Assignments:

  1. Handwrite a coherent paragraph with all the entries from “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 30–31 on a piece of paper and hand them in in class.
  2. (Handwrite) Writing exercise on p. 37. Pay special attention to the over-all structure. No less than 180 characters.

  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Lesson 12 grammar.
  • Lesson 12 exercise on pp. 32–38.

Study Lesson 12 Required Characters

Download “Characteristic of Animal Signs.” and read it. Bring the text to class.

Memorize two characteristics of your own 属相 / 屬相 (one positive, one negative from the underlined vocab).

Memorize two characteristics of your family members (one positive, one negative from the underlined vocab).

FYI: Copy and paste a text into the Chinese Annotation Tool (find it in the Tools / Resources section), and you are one click away from the fully glossed text.

  • Quiz: Dictation of Lesson 12 required characters.
  • 春联 属相性格/ 屬相性格.

Review Lessons 11 and 12. Make sure you can reproduce the required characters in both lessons from memory and recognize the other characters by sight. Review the grammatical points, sentences patterns and word usage, and exercises.

Test format will be announced.

Test 1 (50 minutes; on Lessons 11 and 12).

[PC] = A simplified character version: Li, Duanduan. A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese, Simplified Character: Vol 2. (_Daxue Yuwen / 大學語文/大学语文). Columbia University Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780231135856; or A Complex character version: Li, Duanduan, et al. A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese Vol 2. (Daxue Yuwen _/ 大學語文/大学语文). Columbia University Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780231125574.

Each assignment or any additional files referenced in the table is available in the Study Materials section, except the audio files. These files are not provided here due to copyright restrictions.

To complete writing assignments, please write on every other line and leave 1.25-inch margins for each piece of paper you use if you do not use the calligraphy grid.


Throughout this semester, I will provide you with some materials or On-line resources, some in simplified characters and some in traditional, for you to work on to do a group presentation in class.

Important: Check out the group presentation assignment on Online Socializing in session 13 below. Get in touch with your classmates as early as possible to divide up your work for the presentation. Presentation materials will base on 網上交友/网上交友.

Preview [PC] Lesson 13:

Check Lingt Speaking Assignment Three and complete it before the class.

  1. Read “Grammatical Points” and “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 49–51.
  2. Study the Vocabulary (listen to the audio files). Learn the Lesson 13 required characters by heart. Make sure you know the other Lesson 13 characters by sight.
  3. Read the text on pp. 43–44 (listen to the audio files). Write on your book the answer to the questions in the exercises on pp. 45–46.

Browse the Illustrated Hong Lou Meng (in simplified characters with great illustrations).

  1. Read Dialogue 1 on p. 47 and dialogue 2 on pp. 47–48 (listen to the audio files).

  • 10 true-or false questions on Lesson 13 text and dialogue.
  • Lesson 13 text.
  • Lesson 13 Dialogue.
  • Discuss questions in class.

Writing Assignments:

  1. Handwrite a coherent paragraph with all The entries from “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 50–51 on a piece paper and hand them in in class.
  2. (Handwrite) Write a composition of no less than 180 characters entitled “The Ideal Husband (最理想的丈夫)” or “The Ideal Wife (最理想的妻子).” Pay special attention to the over-all structure of your composition.

  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Lesson 13 grammar.
  • Lesson 13 exercises on pp. 52–56.

Preview [PC] Lesson 14:

Check Lingt Speaking Assignment Four and complete it before the class.

  1. Read “Grammatical Points” and “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 67–69.
  2. Study the Vocabulary (listen to the audio files). Learn the Lesson 14 required characters by heart. Make sure you know the other Lesson 14 characters by sight.
  3. Read the text on pp. 61–62 (listen to the Audio files). Write on your book the answer to the questions in the exercises on pp. 63–64.

Browse the Shaolin Temple Official Website with their martial arts “secrets” and the Official Web Site of Shaolin Temple’s Overseas Headquarters in Flushing, NY.

  1. Read Dialogue on pp. 65–66 (listen to the audio files).

Study Lesson 13 required characters.

  • Quiz: Dictation of Lesson 13 required characters.
  • 10 true-or false questions on Lesson 14 text and dialogue
  • Lesson 14 text.
  • Lesson 14 dialogue.

Writing Assignments:

  1. Handwrite a coherent paragraph with all the entries from “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 68–69 on a piece of paper and hand them in in class.
  2. (Handwrite) Write a composition of no less than 180 characters about your view on “Martial Arts and Kungfu Movies (武术和功 夫电影 / 武術和功夫電影).” Pay special attention to the over-all structure.

  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Lesson 14 grammar.
  • Lesson 14 exercise on pp. 70–75.

Study Lesson 14 Required Characters

We will start reading extra materials this semester. The content is challenging but don’t be overwhelmed by it. I don’t expect you to master it right away. The goal is to expose you to material relevant to your life and test your reading skills. We will not have any tests on these materials but a presentation. Following the steps below:

  1. Download the lesson of “Online Socializing (網上交友/网上交友)” from Study Materials. Choose your own character version.
  2. Find the recording of the text of “Online Socializing.” [Note: This recording is not provided due to copyright restrictions].
  3. Listen to the recording 2–3 times. Do not look at the text the first time when you listen and see how much you understand.
  4. Listen to the recording with the text the second or the third time. Circle the vocab that you don’t know.
  5. Think about the following questions:
    1. Do you use social media websites? Why?
    2. Are there any disadvantages with using these social media websites? Why?

Quiz: Dictation of Lesson 14 Required Characters

  • Online Socializing.

Get prepared for the group presentation (> 6 minutes), PowerPoint slides are required.

  1. Meet with your teammates and design a personal website for someone (could be a real person or a made-up person).
  2. The format of the website should be similar to our text 網上交友/网上交友. Your presentation should cover 4 things:
    1. Personal information;
    2. Self-introduction;
    3. The person’s current mood and reason for looking for friends;
    4. Use at least 5 new words from the vocabulary of the text.
  3. When you present it, don’t read from your PowerPoint Slides. Pretend that you are an agent who is trying to introduce this person to his / her potential friend. Everyone needs to present.
  4. Be ready for questions from your classmates.

*The grading criteria are listed in the Syllabus. Send your PowerPoint Slides to your instructor and indicate who is responsible for which part.

  • Group Presentation.

Review Lessons 13 and 14. Make sure you can reproduce the required characters in both lessons from memory and recognize the other characters by sight. Review the grammatical points, sentences patterns and word usage, and exercises.

Test format will be announced.

Test 2 (50 Minutes; on Lessons 13 and 14).

[PC] = A simplified character version: Li, Duanduan. A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese, Simplified Character: Vol 2. (_Daxue Yuwen / 大學語文/大学语文). Columbia University Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780231135856; or A Complex character version: Li, Duanduan, et al. A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese Vol 2. (Daxue Yuwen _/ 大學語文/大学语文). Columbia University Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780231125574.

Each assignment or any additional files referenced in the table is available in the Study Materials section, except the audio files. These files are not provided here due to copyright restrictions.

To complete writing assignments, please write on every other line and leave 1.25-inch margins for each piece of paper you use if you do not use the calligraphy grid.


Important: Get in touch with your classmates as early as possible to divide up your work for the presentation. Presentation materials will base on 晚餐.

Preview [PC] Lesson 15:

Check Lingt Speaking Assignment Five and complete it before the class.

  1. Read “Grammatical Points” and “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 86–89.
  2. Study the Vocabulary (listen to the audio files). Learn the Lesson 15 required characters by heart. Make sure you know the other Lesson 15 characters by sight.
  3. Read the text on pp. 81–82 (listen to the Audio files). Write on your book the answer to the questions in the exercises on pp. 81 and 83.
  4. Read Dialogue 1 on p. 84 and dialogue 2 on pp. 84–85 (listen to the audio files).

  • 10 true-or false questions on Lesson 15 text and dialogue.
  • Lesson 15 text.
  • Lesson 15 Dialogue.

Writing Assignments:

  1. Handwrite a coherent paragraph with all the entries from “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 88–89 on a piece paper and hand them in in class.
  2. Handwrite / Write a composition of no less than 180 characters entitled “The Ideal Teacher (最理想的老师)/ (最理想的老師).” Pay special attention to the overall structure of your composition and use as many new words and sentence patterns as possible.

  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Lesson 15 grammar.
  • Lesson 15 exercises on pp. 90–94.

Preview [PC] Lesson 16:

Check Lingt Speaking Assignment Six and complete it before the class.

  1. Read “Grammatical Points” and “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 103–6.
  2. Study the Vocabulary (listen to the audio files).
  3. Read the text on pp. 98–99 (listen to the audio files). Write on your book the answer to the questions in the exercises on pp. 98 and 100–101.
  4. Read Dialogue on pp. 101–2 (listen to the Audio files).
  5. Please prepare one question about the text. And watch This Clip (3x5 记不住,背九九乘法表大哭) on Youtube.

Study Lesson 15 required characters.

  • Quiz: Dictation of Lesson 15 required characters.
  • 10 true-or false questions on L16 text and dialogue.
  • Lesson 16 text.
  • Lesson 16 Dialogue.

Writing Assignments:

  1. Handwrite a coherent paragraph with all the entries from “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 105–6 on a piece of paper and hand them in in class.
  2. (Handwrite) Write a composition of no less than 180 characters on “How My Parents Educated Me (我父母是怎样教育我的 / 我父 母是怎樣教育我的).” Pay special attention to the over-all structure and use as many new words and sentence patterns as possible.

  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Lesson 16 grammar.
  • Lesson 16 exercise on pp. 107–13.

Study Lesson 16 Required Characters

The content is challenging but don’t be overwhelmed by it. I don’t expect you to master it right away. The goal is to expose you to material relevant to your life and test your reading skills. We will not have any tests on these materials but a presentation. Following the steps below:

  1. Download the lesson of “Dinner 晚餐.” Choose your own character version.
  2. Find the recording of the text of “Dinner” under the text of “晚餐” [Note: This recording is not provided due to copyright restrictions].
  3. Listen to the recording 2–3 times. Do not look at the text the first time when you listen and see how much you understand.
  4. Listen to the recording with the text the second or the third time. Circle the vocab that you don’t know.
  5. Bring the text to the class.
  6. Think about the following questions:
    1. In the U. S. will kids normally follow parents’ wish to choose a college and a major?
    2. What were your parents’ concerns when you chose a college and a major?
    3. From this play, what does Chinese parents expect from their children? How does that play into Confucianism?

  • Quiz: Dictation of Lesson 15 required characters.
  • Dinner.
  • Bring the text to the class.
20 Review Lessons 15 and 16. Make sure you can reproduce required characters in both lessons from memory and recognize the other characters by sight. Review the grammatical points, sentences patterns and word usage, and exercises. Test 3 (50 minutes; on Lessons 15 and 16).

Get prepared for the group presentation (> 5 minutes). No PowePoint presentation.

  1. Use your own words to perform a skit based on the dialogue in the play. Don’t memorize the lines but make sure that it is coherent.
  2. Add some main ideas of Confucianism that you have learned in your skit. You need to use at least 5 new words from the vocabulary of the text.
  3. Provide an ending to the play. The length will be no less than 150 characters.

*The Grading criteria are provided in the Syllabus. Since this is a skit, please don’t read your script.

*Send your new ending in a typed form to your instructor.

  • Group Presentation.

[PC] = A simplified character version: Li, Duanduan. A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese, Simplified Character: Vol 2. (_Daxue Yuwen / 大學語文/大学语文). Columbia University Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780231135856; or A Complex character version: Li, Duanduan, et al. A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese Vol 2. (Daxue Yuwen _/ 大學語文/大学语文). Columbia University Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780231125574.

Each assignment or any additional files referenced in the table is available in the Study Materials section, except the audio files. These files are not provided here due to copyright restrictions.

To complete writing assignments, please write on every other line and leave 1.25-inch margins for each piece of paper you use if you do not use the calligraphy grid.


Important: Get in touch with your classmates as early as possible to plan your presentation. Please be considerate of each other’s time.

Preview [PC] Lesson 17:

Check Lingt Speaking Assignment Seven and complete it before the class.

  1. Read “Grammatical Points” and “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 125–7.
  2. Study the Vocabulary (listen to the audio files). Learn the Lesson 17 required characters by heart. Make sure you know the other L17 characters by sight.
  3. Read the text on pp. 118–20 (listen to the audio files). Write on your book the answer to the questions in the exercises on pp. 121–22.
  4. Read Dialogue on p. 123 (listen to the Audio files).
  5. Think about this lesson in the context of Confucianism and Chinese society.

  • 10 true-or false questions on Lesson 17 text and dialogue.
  • Lesson 17 text.
  • Lesson 17 Dialogue.

Writing Assignments:

  1. Handwrite a coherent paragraph with all the entries from “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 126–7 on a piece paper and hand them in in class.
  2. (Handwrite) Write a composition of no less than 180 characters on Apple (苹果 / 蘋果), but the content has to be related to your Major. It could be from a research point of view or marking point of view or the idea of apply in your field.

For example, if you are computer major, write the essay on Apply that could relate to your major. You might need to use new vocabulary and there are several online dictionaries in Tools / Resources. For example, 海词.

It is not a research paper but a description one that is related to your own studies.

Pay special attention to the over-all structure of your composition and use as many new words and sentence patterns as possible.

  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Lesson 17 grammar.
  • Lesson 17 exercises on pp. 128–33.

Preview [PC] Lesson 18:

Check Lingt Speaking Assignment Eight and complete it before the class.

  1. Read “Grammatical Points” and “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage” on pp. 145–8.
  2. Study the Vocabulary (listen to the audio files). Learn the Lesson 18 required characters by heart. Make sure you know the other Lesson 18 characters by sight.
  3. Read the text on pp. 139–40 (listen to the audio files). Write on your book the answer to the questions in the exercises on pp. 141–2.
  4. Read Dialogue 1 on p. 143 and dialogue 2 on p. 144 (listen to the audio files).

Study Lesson 17 required characters.

  • Quiz: Dictation of Lesson 17 required characters.
  • 10 true-or false questions on Lesson 18 text and dialogue.
  • Lesson 18 text.
  • Lesson 18 Dialogue.

Writing Assignments:

  1. Handwrite a coherent paragraph with all the entries from “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage” on pp. 147–8 on a piece of paper and hand them in in class.
  2. Handwrite / Write a composition of no less than 180 characters on “The Beverage I Like the Best (我最喜欢的饮料 / 我最喜歡的飲料).” First briefly outline the story of its invention if there is one. Then explain why you like it the best. Pay special attention to the over-all structure and use as many new words and sentence patterns as possible.

  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Lesson 18 grammar.
  • Lesson 18 exercise on pp. 149–54.

Study Lesson 18 Required Characters

Get prepared for the group presentation (a 5-minute infomercial skit)—Branding a drink.

Use your imagination to create a drink and try to sell it to any target groups. You cannot use any drink on the market now. You need to include the followings:

  1. Name
  2. Ingredients
  3. Selling points
  4. Packaging
  5. Price

You can bring any props. Only one or two slides of PowerPoint is acceptable if you want to use any slide.

*The Grading criteria is provided in Syllabus.

  • Quiz: Dictation of Lesson 18 required characters.
  • Group Presentations.
  • Further discussion of advertisement.

Review Lessons 17 and 18. Make sure you can reproduce the required characters in both lessons from memory and recognize the other characters by sight. Review the grammatical points, sentences patterns and word usage, and exercises.

Test format will be announced.

Test 4 (50 minutes; on Lessons 17 and 18).

[PC] = A simplified character version: Li, Duanduan. A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese, Simplified Character: Vol 2. (_Daxue Yuwen / 大學語文/大学语文). Columbia University Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780231135856; or A Complex character version: Li, Duanduan, et al. A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese Vol 2. (Daxue Yuwen _/ 大學語文/大学语文). Columbia University Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780231125574.

Each assignment or any additional files referenced in the table is available in the Study Materials section, except the audio files. These files are not provided here due to copyright restrictions.

To complete writing assignments, please write on every other line and leave 1.25-inch margins for each piece of paper you use if you do not use the calligraphy grid.


Preview [PC] Lesson 19:

  1. Read “Grammatical Points” and “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 165–7.
  2. Study the Vocabulary (listen to the audio files). Learn the Lesson 19 required characters by heart. Make sure you know the other L19 characters by sight.
  3. Read the text on pp. 159–60 (listen to the audio files). Write on your book the answer to the questions in the exercises on pp. 161–2.
  4. Read Dialogue on pp. 163–4 (listen to the Audio files).

  • 10 true-or false questions on Lesson 19 text and dialogue.
  • Lesson 19 text.
  • Lesson 19 Dialogue.
  • BFA Project Preview.

Writing Assignments:

  1. Handwrite a coherent paragraph with all the entries from “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage” on pp. 166–7 on a piece paper and hand them in in class.
  2. Handwrite / Write a composition of no less than 180 characters on a theory or an object that you think has had the greatest impact on the field of your Major. If you already wrote about Apple computer in your last essay extensively, you should not repeat it in this essay. First briefly outline its history or the historical context. Then explain its impact. Pay special attention to the over-all structure of your composition and use as many new words and sentence patterns as possible. You might need to use new vocabulary and there are several online dictionary provided in Tools and Resources. For example, 海词.

  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Lesson 19 grammar.
  • Lesson 19 exercises on pp. 168–74.

Preview [PC] Lesson 20:

  1. Read “Grammatical Points” and “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage” on pp. 184–8.
  2. Study the Vocabulary (listen to the audio files). Learn the Lesson 20 required characters by heart Make sure you know the other Lesson 20 characters by sight.
  3. Read the text on pp. 178–9 (listen to the Audio files). Write on your book the answer to the questions in the exercises on pp. 141–2.
  4. Read Dialogue 1 on p. 182 and dialogue 2 on pp. 182–3 (listen to the audio files).

Study Lesson 19 required characters.

  • Quiz: Dictation of Lesson 19 required characters.
  • 10 true-or false questions on Lesson 20 text and dialogue.
  • Lesson 20 text.
  • Lesson 20 Dialogue.

Writing Assignments:

  1. Handwrite a sentence for each of the entries in “Grammar Points” on pp. 184–6 on a piece of paper and hand them in class.
  2. Handwrite a coherent paragraph with all the entries from “Sentence Patterns and Word Usage.” on pp. 187–8 on a piece paper and hand them in in class.

  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Lesson 20 grammar.
  • Lesson 20 exercise on pp. 189–94.

Study Lesson 20 Required Characters

  1. Watch one ⼀"一虎⼀一席谈" video clip [Note: This video is not provided due to copyright restrictions]:

Watch the clip of “范跑跑 PK 郭跳跳.” The topic of this episode is about the 2008 earthquake in China. A high school teacher ran away without notifying his students during the earthquake, and this action has caused a lot of debates among people. A vocabulary list is provided right under the clip.

  1. Writing assignment. Write down the answer of each question in English after watching the video clip.

Watch the clip and think about the following questions, and we will discuss them in class.

  1. What do Chinese people expect from a teacher? Do you agree with these requirements?
  2. According to the clip, what are the teacher’s responsibilities in China?
  3. What do American people expect from a teacher?
  4. Do you agree with Mr. 范 ’s argument for his action? Why?
  5. Do you see any Confucian value in this episode?

You only need to watch one clip, but if you want to know more, you are welcome to watch the rest.

  • Quiz Dictation of Lesson 20 required characters.
  • Hand in the assignment of the video clip.
  • Discussion of the video clip.
33 Review Lessons 19 and 20. Make sure you can reproduce the required characters in both lessons from memory and recognize the other characters by sight. Review the grammatical points, sentences patterns and word usage, and exercises. Test 5 (50 minutes; on Lessons 19 and 20).

[Oh, China!] = Chou, Chih-Ping, P. Link  and X. Wang. Oh, China!: An Elementary Reader of Modern Chinese for Advanced Beginners. Princeton University Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780691153087. [Preview with Google Books]

Each assignment or any additional files referenced in the table is available in the Study Materials section, except the audio files. These files are not provided here due to copyright restrictions.

To complete writing assignments, please write on every other line and leave 1.25-inch margins for each piece of paper you use if you do not use the calligraphy grid.


Important: You should start thinking about your end-of-term essay now. Don’t forget to finish the BFA project by its deadline.

The next two lessons are from a different textbook, Oh China!, and the language and vocabulary are very different from 大學語 文 / 大学语文 , and somewhat challenging. We will focus on two different genres, one is online blog and the other one is a prominent historical figure Rong Hong. The content is challenging but don’t be overwhelmed by it. I don’t expect you to master it right away. The goal is to expose you to material relevant to your life and test your reading skills. We will not have any tests on these materials but a presentation.

Choose your own character version of “Xi’an Travel 西安自助旅游.” and follow the steps below:

  1. Listen to the recording [Note: This recording is not provided due to copyright restrictions].
  2. Listen to the recording 2–3 times. Do not look at the text the first time when you listen and see how much you understand.
  3. Listen to the recording with the text the second or the third time. Circle the vocabulary that you don’t know.
  4. Bring the text to the class.
  5. Think about the following questions:
    1. Do you like traveling? Name one or two great places you have visited.
    2. Before traveling to a place, what would you do to learn about the destination? What aspects would you want to know about?
    3. What are your top priorities when you plan a trip?

  • Bring the text of 西安自助旅游 to the class.
  • 西安自助旅游.

Writing Assignment:

  1. Complete post reading questions (see handout from the class).
  2. Review the text of 西安自助旅游.
  3. Take a look at the map under post reading questions.
  4. Bring your mobile device to the class.

  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Bring the text of 西安自助旅游 to the class.
  • Make a two-day trip to 西安 in groups.

Preview [Oh, China!] Lesson 32 (Yung Wing).

  1. Read Grammar Notes on p. 468.
  2. Read Sentence Patterns and Word Usage on pp. 473–5.
  3. Study the Vocabulary on pp. 469–73 (listen to the audio files). Make sure you know the other Lesson 32 characters by sight.
  4. Read the text on pp. 462–7 (listen to the audio files).

  • 10 true-or false questions on Lesson 32 text.
  • Discussion of Lesson 32 text.

Need to Finish the Second BFA Project before Class.

Study Sentence patterns and Word Usage on pp. 473–5 and create a sentence using each phrase or pattern.

  • Lesson 32 exercises on pp. 476–7.
  • Further discussion.

Bring your laptop or other electronic devices to do the course evaluation in class.


  1. Select three films that you think are intrinsically related to one another from the list and watch the films. The connection could be a common theme, or a different interpretation of one single topic. Be an original thinker!
  2. Write up a 150-character comment to explain what the connection among the 3 films of your choice.

  • Discuss in groups about the 3 films that you have chosen for your collection and how you think they relate to each other.
  • Pick the best collection in your group and present it to the class. What have you learned in class?

暑期快乐 / 暑期快樂

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2015
Learning Resource Types
Activity Assignments
Written Assignments