HST.410J | Spring 2007 | Undergraduate

Projects in Microscale Engineering for the Life Sciences




The foil-covered thing in the middle of this image is the spinner. A silicon wafer is centered on the spinner and held in place by vacuum. A glob of SU-8 is poured onto the wafer, as shown here. The wafer is then spun quickly to distribute the SU-8 evenly over the surface. In this and the next image, the brightness inside the spinner has been enhanced to make the features visible.

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Small glob of SU-8 is poured onto the wafer.
The foil-covered thing in the middle of this image is the spinner. A silicon wafer is centered on the spinner and held in place by vacuum. A glob of SU-8 is poured onto the wafer, as shown here. The wafer is then spun quickly to distribute the SU-8 evenly over the surface. In this and the next image, the brightness inside the spinner has been enhanced to make the features visible.
Photo by Dr. Aranyosi.
Small glob of SU-8 is poured onto the wafer.
Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery
Problem Sets
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments
Presentation Assignments