HST.410J | Spring 2007 | Undergraduate

Projects in Microscale Engineering for the Life Sciences




Another of the class’ devices. This is the same design shown two photos above, but this one came from a master that was exposed with the mask the right way up. Here you can see a clear delineation between the 30 µm-wide and the 40 µm-wide parts of the three center channels.

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Close-up of wafer pattern on video microscope screen.
Another of the class’ devices. This is the same design shown two photos above, but this one came from a master that was exposed with the mask the right way up. Here you can see a clear delineation between the 30 µm-wide and the 40 µm-wide parts of the three center channels.
Photo by Dr. Aranyosi.
Close-up of wafer pattern on video microscope screen.
Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery
Problem Sets
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments
Presentation Assignments