1 | Introduction to social medicine: Concepts, theories, and data visualization of the burden of disease - Michael M. J. Fischer, Byron Good, Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good, and David Jones | Slides (PDF - 4.1MB) |
Fischer, Michael M., J. “Lively Biotech and Translational Research.” In Lively Capital: Biotechnologies, Ethics and Governance in Global Markets, edited by Kaushik Sunder Rajan. Forthcoming, Duke University Press. Good, Byron J. “How Medicine Constructs Its Objects.” Chapter 3 in Medicine, Rationality, and Experience: An Anthropological Perspective. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1994. ISBN: 9780521425766. [Preview in Google Books] Good, Mary-Jo D. “The Medical Imaginary and the Biotechnical Embrace: Subjective Experiences of Clinical Scientists and Patients.” Chapter 12 in Subjectivity: Ethnographic Investigations. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780520247932. Jones, David S. “The Health Care Experiments at Many Farms: The Navajo, Tuberculosis, and the Limits of Modern Medicine, 1952 - 1962.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 76 (2002): 749 – 90. Optional readings Dorling, Danny. “Worldmapper: The Human Anatomy of a Small Planet.” PLoS Medicine 4, no. 1 (2007): e1. (PDF) Mathers, Colin D., and Dejan Loncar. “Projections of Global Mortality and Burden of Disease from 2002 to 2030.” PLoS Medicine 3, no. 11 (2006): e442. (PDF) Brown, Theodore M., Marcos Cueto, and Elizabeth Fee. “The World Health Organization and the Transition From “International” to “Global” Public Health.” American Journal of Public Health 96, no. 1 (2006): 62 – 72. Porter, Dorothy. “How Did Social Medicine Evolve, and Where Is It Heading?” PLoS Medicine 3, no. 10 (2006): e399. (PDF) Link, Bruce G., and Jo Phelan. “Social Conditions As Fundamental Causes of Disease.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 35, Extra Issue: Forty Years of Medical Sociology: The State of the Art and Directions for the Future (1995): 80 – 94. |
2 | Decision making in cardiac therapeutics: Ethics, history, and policy - David Jones | Slides (PDF - 3.1MB) |
Jones, David S. “Visions of a Cure: Visualization, Clinical Trials, and Controversies in Cardiac Therapeutics, 1968 - 1998.” Isis 91 (2000): 504 – 41. Podolsky, Scott H. “Quintessential Beecher: Surgery as Placebo: A Quantitative Study of Bias.” Journal of the American Medical Association 176 (1961): 1102 – 7. Optional reading Winstein, Keith J. “A Simply Health-Care Fix Fizzles Out.” Wall Street Journal, February 11, 2010. |
3 | Partners in Health and post-earthquake Haiti - Joia Mukherjee |
Fassin, Didier. “Humanitarianism as a Politics of Life.” Public Culture 19, no. 3 (2007): 499 – 520. Lee, Scott, et al. “Partners In Health: HIV Care in Rwanda.” Harvard Business School Case. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Case: N9-709-474, March 5, 2009. Redfield, Peter. “Doctors, Borders, and Life in Crisis.” Cultural Anthropology 20, no. 3 (2005): 328 – 61. Optional reading Fox, Renee C. “Medical Humanitarianism and Human Rights: Reflections on Doctors Without Borders and Doctors of the World.” Social Science and Medicine 41, no. 12 (1995): 1607 – 16. |
4 | What was health reform about? - David Cutler | Slides (PDF) (Courtesy of David Cutler. Used with permission.) |
The White House. “The President’s Proposal.” February 22, 2010. Accessed August 24, 2010. (PDF) Stolberg, Sheryl G., and David M. Herszenhorn. “Obama’s Health Bill Plan Largely Follows Senate Version.” New York Times, February 22, 2010. Optional readings Symposium Unpacks Healthcare Reform: Summary of a symposium at Harvard Medical School. Braveman, Paula, and Susan Egerter. Overcoming Obstacles to Health: Report From the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to the Commission to Build a Healthier America. Princeton, NJ: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2008. (PDF) Lopez, Alan D., et al. “Global and Regional Burden of Disease and Risk Factors, 2001: Systematic Analysis of Population Health Data.” Lancet 367 (2006): 1747 – 57. Committee on Social Determinants of Health. Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity Through Action on the Social Determinants of Health. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2008. (PDF - 7.3MB) |
5 | Setting up labs; Doing epidemiology in Africa - Bruce Walker; Felton Earls |
Fassin, Didier. Chapters 1 – 3 in When Bodies Remember: Experiences and Politics of AIDS in South Africa. Translated by Amy Jacobs and Gabrielle Varro. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780520250277. [Preview in Google Books] Earls, Felton. “Neighborhood Matters: Selected Findings from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods.” Unpublished manuscript, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 2004. Walker, Bruce D., and Dennis R. Burton. “Toward an AIDS Vaccine.” Science 320, no. 5877 (2008): 760 – 4. Kamo, Norifumi, et al. “Young Citizens as Health Agents: Use of Drama in Promoting Community Efficacy for HIV/AIDS.” American Journal of Public Health 98, no. 2 (2008): 201 – 4. Optional reading |
6 | Clinical ethics and dilemmas in local and global contexts - Christine Mitchell | ||
7 | “Global mental health” and “Medical humanitarianism and technologies of intervention” Aceh Case - Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good and Byron Good |
Good, Mary-Jo D. “Trauma in Postconflict Aceh and Psychopharmaceuticals as a Medium of Exchange.” Unpublished manuscript. Good, Byron, et al. “Psychosocial Needs Assessment of Communities Affected by the Conflict in the Districts of Pidie, Bireuen and Aceh Utara.” Jakarta, Indonesia: International Organization for Migration, 2006. ([PDF]( ———. “A Psychosocial Needs Assessment of Communities in 14 Conflict Affected Districts in Aceh.” Jakarta, Indonesia: International Organization for Migration, 2007. (PDF - 1.9MB) Daedalus 128, no.4 (1999): entire issue. Hinton, Devon E., and Roberto Lewis-Fernández. “The Cross-Cultural Validity of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Implications for DSM-V.” Submitted to Depression and Anxiety. Under review. Good, Mary-Jo D., et al. “Narrative Nuances on Good and Bad Deaths: Internist’s Tales from High-Technology Work Places.” Social Science and Medicine 58 (2004): 939 – 53.
Raviola, Giuseppe, et al. “HIV, Disease Plague, Demoralization and “Burnout”: Resident Experience of the Medical Profession in Nairobi, Kenya.” Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 26 (2002): 55 – 86. Optional readings Kelly, Brendan D. “Globalisation and Psychiatry.” Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 9, no. 6 (2003): 464 – 474. Chisholm, D., et al. “Scale Up Services for Mental Disorders: A Call for Action.” Lancet 370 (2007): 1241 – 52. Patel, Vikram, et al. “Treatment and Prevention of Mental Disorders in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries.” Lancet 370 (2007): 991 - 1005. |
8 | Whole genome sequencing: Technological and ethical challenges - George Church |
Wade, Nicholas. “Scientists in Germany Draft Neanderthal Genome.” New York Times, February 12, 2009. Powers, Richard. “The Book of Me.” GQ, October, 2008. Pinker, Steven. “My Genome, My Self.” The New York Times, January 7, 2009. |
9 | Patient-centered solutions for orphan diseases: Solving LAM - Amy Farber and Michael M. J. Fischer |
Farber, Amy. “LAM 101 for Clinicians and Researchers.” Handout for class, LAM Treatment Alliance, 2009. (PDF) (Courtesy of LAM Treatment Alliance. Used with permission.) LAM Treatment Alliance |
10 | Comparative genomics for disease diagnosis and Lassa hemorrhagic fever and malaria in Africa - Pardis Sabeti |
Balter, Michael. “Pardis Sabeti Profile: Picking Up Evolution’s Beat.” Science 320, no. 5875 (2008): 442 – 3. Sabeti, Pardis, et al. “Genome-wide Detection and Characterization of Positive Selection in Human Populations.” Nature 449 (2007): 913 – 8. |
11 | Partners in Health: Clinical effectiveness, research, and the politics of health-care delivery in low-income societies - Salmaan Keshavjee and Mercedes Becerra | ||
12 | Global health and global health policies - Paul Farmer |
Behforouz, Heidi L., Paul E. Farmer, and Joia S. Mukherjee. “From Directly Observed Therapy to Accompagnateurs: Enhancing AIDS Treatment Outcomes in Haiti and in Boston.” Clinical Infectious Diseases 38, no. S5 (2004): S429 – 36. Berwick, Donald M. “A Primer on Leading the Improvement of Systems.” British Medical Journal 312, no. 7031 (1996): 619 – 22. Kim, Jim Y., and Arthur Ammann. “Is the “3 by 5” Initiative the Best Approach to Tackling the HIV Pandemic?” PLoS Medicine 1, no. 2 (2004): e4. (PDF) Kim, Jim Y., and Paul Farmer. “AIDS in 2006 - Moving Toward One World, One Hope?” New England Journal of Medicine 355, no. 7 (2006): 645 – 7. Kim, Jim Y., and Charlie Gilks. “Scaling Up Treatment - Why We Can’t Wait.” New England Journal of Medicine 353, no. 22 (2005): 2392 — 4. Kim, Jim Y., and Paul Farmer. “Global Issues in Medicine.” In Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 17th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2008. ISBN: 9780071466332. Swidler, Ann. “Responding to AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: Culture, Institutions, and Health.” In Successful Societies: How Institutions and Culture Affect Health. Edited by Peter A. Hall, and Michele Lamont. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN: 9780521516600. |
13 | Wrap-up and discussion |
Readings and Lectures
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