MAS.961 | Spring 2008 | Graduate

Special Topics: Designing Sociable Media


Assignment 8: Proposals for Final Project

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Your final project for the class should build on one of the assignments given during the semester. You can take one of the design sketches you or another student did as a starting point, or prepare a new take on a related problem.

The final should take the work beyond what we did for a weekly assignment. Some will be quite conceptual: for these, you should be able to argue why this design would provoke thought and reflection, as well as detailing how it would be designed and why you made those creative choices. Others will be more practical: for these, you should prepare to explain how the work would be implemented and why it would be used.

Some of you are interested in doing final projects that relate closely to your research or thesis work. If you choose to do this a) make it clear that that is the case; b) use the final project as an opportunity to create a series of alternative design explorations for your larger project; and c) do not just present your ongoing research as your final - you should clearly articulate the how this work fits into the readings and other material for this class.


For this week, you are making a proposal for the final project. It will give us a brief time in class to critique your plan. The proposal can be relatively informal: sketches, ideas etc. Please write a one to two page proposal with additional sketches stating what you plan do to as your final, what problem/question is it addressing, and a preliminary set of previous work in that area.

Be prepared to talk for about 7 minutes or slightly less - the rest of your time slot we will use to discuss the work.

Student Work

Seth Hunter

Sohin Hwang

Lana Swartz

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Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2008
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets with Solutions
Projects with Examples