Video Lectures

Lecture 9: Four Ways to Solve Least Squares Problems


In this lecture, Professor Strang details the four ways to solve least-squares problems. Solving least-squares problems comes in to play in the many applications that rely on data fitting.


  1. Solve ATAx=ATb to minimize Axb2
  2. Gram-Schmidt A=QR leads to x=R1QTb.
  3. The pseudoinverse directly multiplies b to give x.
  4. The best x is the limit of (ATA+δI)1ATb as δ0.

Related section in textbook: II.2

Instructor: Prof. Gilbert Strang

Problems for Lecture 9
From textbook Section II.2

2. Why do A and A

have the same rank? If A is square, do A and A
have the same eigenvectors? What are the eigenvalues of A

8. What multiple of a=[11] should be subtracted from b=[40] to make the result A2 orthogonal to a? Sketch a figure to show a, b, and A2.

9. Complete the Gram-Schmidt process in Problem 8 by computing q1=a/a and q2=A2/A2 and factoring into QR: [1410]=[q1q2][a?0A2] The backslash command Ab is engineered to make A block diagonal when possible.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2018
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Problem Sets
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