MAS.961 | Fall 2004 | Graduate

Seminar on Deep Engagement

Course Description

Innovation in expression, as realized in media, tangible objects, performance and more,  generates new questions and new potentials for human engagement. When and how does expression engage us deeply? Many personal stories confirm the hypothesis that once we experience deep engagement, it is a state we long for, …
Innovation in expression, as realized in media, tangible objects, performance and more,  generates new questions and new potentials for human engagement. When and how does expression engage us deeply? Many personal stories confirm the hypothesis that once we experience deep engagement, it is a state we long for, remember, and want to repeat. This class will explore what underlying principles and innovative methods can ensure the development of higher-quality “deep engagement” products (artifacts, experiences, environments, performances, etc.) that appeal to a broad audience and that have lasting value over the long term.
Learning Resource Types
Projects with Examples
Problem Sets with Solutions
A quadrant chart with asynchronous, synchronous on one axis; and context, no context on the other axis.
A side-by-side comparison of research projects in “Awareness and Presence Systems” versus traditional communication technologies. (Image courtesy of Orit Zuckerman.)